"But motion sickness....wont that be a problem?" Cobra was very hesitant to take my hand.

"Tell me Cobra, how did you often get around?" I doubted that he would walk around for most of his life; I mean I know motion sickness is a problem but that shouldn't stop you from living.

"I had this giant snake....she was my best friend." He seemed to be upset, great was I losing my empathy too? "I used to sit on her back all the time, it was amazing."

"See, she wasn't a vehicle to you, and I hope that I also am not one in your eyes." I smile down at Cobra as I lifted off into the air. "Now take my hand, a fly with me." He was still hesitant, but finally he grabbed my hand and we were off.

"I'm not sure about this; I mean you saw me as a vehicle." Cobra gave me a questioning look.

"I don't like spinning okay?" I pouted as I soared through the sky. "Just let that go already."

I took Cobra everywhere, we flew as close to the city as we could and looked at all the different sights. It was so beautiful, the mountains, and the cute little shops, the guild hall was pretty nice as well. I could have stayed in the air with Cobra all day, but something changed when we were over the train station. I saw them, the Fairy Tail guild. Natsu, the ice boy, the girl with all the weapons, the weird blonde girl with keys, and a girl that looked a hell of a lot like my sister. The little blue cat was around as well, seeing him made me think about Eric. I flew back to camp as soon as possible, if I hadn't I would have landed and Cobra would be gone forever.

As soon as we landed I ran over the ledge that was near our camp. Cobra followed me closely, but never questioned what I was up to. As soon as I blew the bubble though, he knew almost immediately what I was up to. I looked to the town; the poor town probably wouldn't last long after my fight with Fairy Tail. It was in the early hours of the evening when I sent the bubble that made a shift in the universe. The trees knew what was coming, the animals knew what was coming, but would the people feel it?

"I am at the mountain where I told the twins to go, I have been waiting for you and the snow. All that is left of me is the cold now, so come find me so I can take all the warmth from you. The bubble will tell you where to find me, good luck."

I blew the bubble away after giving it the last set of instructions. I watched it fly around the city one full time before it fell down in to the busy streets, it didn't take long before a line of flames entered into my vision. I questioned it for a moment before I remembered that Natsu was here, and fire was his thing.... though he did often over do it.

"Did you know Natsu before you guys met a few days ago?" Cobra questioned behind me as we watched the fire mix with Ice, it looked like something my sister would create but I knew it was the ice boy.

"I met him once or twice before, he won't remember though he was sleeping whenever I saw him." I smiled for a moment at the memory. "I knew them all, all the natural dragon slayers, my dragon used to bring me all over the ocean and every now and then we would stop by and see her friends and their slayers in training. None of them, not even the ones that killed their parents, struck me as human murderers. We are trained to slay dragons, so I was expecting at least one of to try to take over our parents. But never in my wildest dreams, did I think that we would be taking down each other."

"Well, it has to be done right?" Cobra put his arms around my waist. "If they are willing to take out one of their own kind, what is stopping them from trying to take out innocent people that can't save themselves?"

"You're right Cobra, before they hurt anyone else." I placed my hands on top of Cobra's and let myself lean into him. "For my sister and anyone else they have their sights on." We watched them get closer, and they were making very good time getting over to me. "Man they can really move when their mind is set on it."

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