-part 11-

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"And that class, is what you are made of-Cells." Mr Umber clapped his hands together and clicked his keypad to change the PowerPoint slide on the screen.

My class was alright. I was sat on a table of four-a girl called Fleur (she was sweet and very bright), Brittney, Kyle (has a big fat crush on Brittney) and then there was Me.

"So class, I will get some volunteers to hand out your worksheets for today's lesson. This is just revising the course you did last term. Reproduction!" He tried to make it sound exiting.

Giggles and laughter came from the class room.

"Right. Settle down."

"Indigo, look at Kyle. He's staring at me. LOL" Brittney nudged me.

"Yeah. Maybe because you have a big chunk of gum in your hair!" I whispered.

"Oh crap!" She gasped loudly.

Mr Umber cleared his throat, "is there an issue girls?"

"No. Definitely not." Brittney gave a smug smile.

"Well i don't see why you feel the need to disrupt my lesson."

"I need to get this out my hair. Right, I'll ask to go to the toilet then you ask. Okay?" Brittney whispered.

"Sir! Sir! Can I go to the toilet?" Brittney raised her hand waving it about in the air.

Mr Umber sighed, "No Brittney. Simply no. Not in my lesson. I'm delivering instructions to class about the worksheet."

"But sir. It's that time of the month. Please sir."

"Go on then. Off you pop." Mr Umber rolled his eyes.

Brittney left the room turning back to look at me and raised her eyebrows with a nod.

"Mr Umber. Sorry to disrupt your lesson but can I go to the toilet too please." I looked down at the table and mumbled.

"No. This isn't a 'oh my friends gone to the toilet so I'm going to go as well so we can have a chit chat' sort of thing Indigo."

"Sorry, I meant, can I go and get my water bottle and have a drink from the cloak room."


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