-part 4-

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My alarm clock beeped, my mum insisted she would sell it, but it was the only thing which got me out of bed on a morning.

I slipped out of bed, my cheeks were flushed pink from the heat. I tiptoed down the stairs gesturing a wave to my mum,

"Morning my lovely! How about some nice dippy eggs and soldiers for breakfast?"

"My favourite! Shall I put the kettle on?"

"Oh yes, that would be great." Rose walked over to the fridge to collect the eggs, with a little hop in her step. I clicked the button on the kettle as steam rose like foggy clouds from the top.

"So, any plans today Indigo?" Rose called as she started to boil the eggs.

"Max wants me to meet kooky Kerry at the park."

"Ooh, how lovely. It will be nice to meet Max's first girlfriend. You should be happy for Max! Bless him! First love eh."

"Mum its very well not lovely thank you very much!"

"Come on, you and Max are best friends! You'll soon make up I'm sure sweetie."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "So any plans for you today then Mum?"

"Yes. There is, in fact I need to go to the supermarket and also Camilla is popping  round for a cup of tea and a chat , she's coming around with Brittney. You will be back for one this afternoon won't you."

"Bratty Brittney! I'd rather stay in the compost bin outside and eat rotten bananas for tea thank you very much!"

Rose just rolled her eyes and smirked, taking her purse off the counter and pulling out a five pound note. "I thought you might want some ice-cream as a little treat."

"Thanks Mum! But honestly. What were you thinking? Inviting Camilla and Bratty Brittney! Well Camilla is okay she just talks a lot and fantasises over her and Paul getting married. It's always Paul this, Paul that. She reminds me of that therapist who you had for a while when dad left and all she talked about was her self. Sorry! I didn't mean to bring up dad."

"No I'm sorry. We should really talk about Dad more. That conversation we had last night was nice. To talk about dad.You were a sensitive soul when Dad left so I thought it was best not to talk about it but I was wrong. He was an amazing Dad it's just sad he's not here now." Rose placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Mum. Do you still love Dad even though he left us?" I noticed my Mum's hand trembling as her lips quivered.

"Mum! What's wrong?"

"I do love Dad. It's just he had a lot of issues to work through with his mental health; he will always have his demons to fight. That's why he left. I should have tried to explain it to you years ago."

I wrapped my arms around mum in a tight embrace.

"But you were heartbroken when he left. You had quite enough to deal with as well as telling your five year old why he left. I'm happy you told me. I suppose it was either now or never. I love you Mum."

"Enough snuggles, let's get this breakfast ready!" Rose tried to smile but I could see the dark circles under her sore tired eyes.

"Mum, I'll sort breakfast out. Why don't you go take a nap?" I kindly suggested.

"That definitely sounds like a plan!Thank you sweetie."

I placed a ceramic pink dish and a fork on a wooden tray. Carefully, I put an egg in my Mum's favourite egg cup with a daisy on the front- cutting up a slice of toast into strips. I poured some tea in a China tea cup with a golden rim. As a final addition I added one orange tulip from the vase.

I also placed my breakfast on a plate; nothing as special as my Mum's breakfast set up but I didn't care.

Carrying the tray with two hands I walked up the stairs into Mum's room who was already plumping her cushion for her breakfast in bed.

"Oh this looks wonderful!"

"Call me master chef Indigo!"

"Don't get to carried away lovely. But okay master chef Indigo." Rose smiled as she dipped a slice of toast in the yolk. "There's nothing better is there! Delicious!"

"Yes there is! That's you Mum."

"Well I suppose." Rose smugly said.

"Right then. I'm going to go get changed into some clothes." I still wanted to go. I didn't want to miss out. What if Kerry and Max kissed. My cheeks went scarlet. All I wanted was Max...

"Oh so you changed your mind then."

"Well I have nothing better to do, and I kind of feel bad for how I shouted at Max. I know I shouldn't have so I need to make it up to him."

"I knew you'd make up at some point. It's lovely weather, isn't it. How about you actually dress up for once. Oh there's that cream dress with the lemon pattern on in your draw. It's all washed and ironed."

"Oh thanks Mum that's kind of you. And I think you'll find that i dress up more than you." I sarcastically rolled my eyes with a smirk. "I suppose so. It is a very lovely dress and I did only wear it to that fair last summer. I hope it still fits me!"

"I hope so too! That dress was a fortune Indigo!"

"Right then, I need to eat my breakfast up too," I checked my phone for texts, "Oh god! I need to hurry. Max will be here in half an hour!"

"Calm down love, you've got plenty of time. Now eat that breakfast up properly! Don't you worry about the dishes. I'll do them later."

I wasn't a time waster and managed in two minutes, to eat three soldiers and the top of the egg. I picked up another soldier and took one big bite, running up the stairs with it in my hand...


After brushing my teeth I washed my face removing the excess crumbs from around my mouth and the sleep from my eyes. I wanted to look more grown up and started to curl my locks with my pink curlers I got for my birthday. I naturally have wavy hair but it looks more like a frizz ball most of the time and by using my curlers it takes the frizz. I decided to wear some makeup to look a little more glamorous- I didn't put makeup on much and was worried that it would look splotchy. I added some rosy blush to my cheeks, a little mascara and some pink strawberry lip gloss.

The frills were slightly creased on my lemon dress and I tried to smooth them out with my hands.

I popped my head through the dress and slid myself into the dress carefully, trying not to rip it.

I added my silver sandals to match my blue painted toenails.

"Mum! I'm ready! Max should be here in five minutes."

"Well come and give me a twirl before you go hun."

As I entered the room my mum was wearing a cream top with her beige skirt brushing her curly hair at her vanity.

"Well that's a bit basic Mum. The only day you get to wear what ever you want apart from that boring blue uniform and that's what you wear!"

Rose just chuckled. "Come on then my princess give me a twirl," Rose clapped her hands, "Lovely! Right don't you think you better get going! Max will be here soon."

"Yeah. I suppose I'll get going then. Bye Mum! Have a good day!"

"I will hunny and you too! Don't forget that money on the counter and your phone so that you can contact me! And for emergencies only indigo. Please try not to be so anti social and don't be doing to much of those silly TikTok dances! They waste your battery percentage."

"Yes Mum I got it! Don't get so panicked! I'll be with Max remember," I lowered my voice and whispered "and stupid Kerry."

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