-part 5-

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I strutted out the house with confidence but every so often I would loose my balance on the cobblestone path.

I turned the corner as Max gave a soothing smile and waved. Kerry was drop-dead gorgeous with her balayage hair from brunette to blonde. She had dreamy blue eyes that you could day dream into and she was wearing a tight hot pink dress showing her curvy hips.

"Hey, you must be Max's friend. Right?"

I loved how cool she was and liked how she didn't act as if I was a baby and didn't coddle over me.

I so didn't want to make a bad first impression and nodded.

"There's no need to be shy. I don't bite honestly," Kerry smirked and imitated a lion. "By the way, I'm not always that childish."

"Really Kerry," Max laughed and whispered behind Kerry's back as we started to walk towards the park, "She's always childish!"

"Yeah and you can be a bit of a five year old boy at times Max." Kerry gave a little nudge at Max.

"That's true."I agreed with a giggle.

I found that being with my best friends girlfriend was a bit awkward but tried to let that go and told myself to stop being a wimp.

"Kerry, Indigo I can already see you both getting along well together. Double trouble should I say!"

Me and Kerry turned and looked at each other reassuring each other with a smile.

"So Indigo! What a beautiful name. Mines a bit 1970's don't you think. I wont be offended if you agree with me."

"I think it's a wonderful name. Old fashioned names are trending at the moment. Didn't you know?"

"Well now that you've told me that, I think I may have changed my mind Indigo." Kerry held hands with Max as she kissed him on the cheek. It didn't seem as if she meant it though. Not very passionate.

I rolled my eyes and turned to the side- noticing the ducks.

"Look there's some baby ducklings! I hope our babies turn out as cute as that. Maybe not so fluffy though." Kerry leaned over the fence and pointed to the ducks.

"Oh please!" I scoffed.

"Honestly, sometimes I don't know what to think of you Kerry." Max looked weirded out and I wasn't surprised.

I glanced at Kerry wishing that I looked that pretty.

"So are you like popular then Kerry?" I gave a confused look already assuming it.

"Well I do have two friends Georgie and Samantha and people like to follow us around a lot so I suppose so. How about you Indigo?"

"Well I don't really have any friends and just hang around in the library and I try to join in this big group of girls about girl gossip but they think I'm weird and a bit of a loner. Max is a year above so I don't really see him that much." I gave an awkward laugh.

"You can always come and hang out with me at lunch. I'm sure my friends will love you. Even though you are a year younger, I'm sure the girls won't mind." Kerry reassured me with a polite smile.

"Your quite cool for your age indigo." Max joined in on the conversation.

"Really, you think so?" I said,  blushing.

"So how about your Mum and Dad Indigo, they married? Any siblings?"

"Kerry!" Max shuck his head with concern.


"Dad left us when I was five, Just walked out without saying bye so it's just me and my Mum." I struggled a smile and it didn't look quite convincing.

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