-Part 1-

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Ugh I cant do this stupid sum." I rolled my eyes.

"Just think, you've only got twenty more questions to do." Max looked at my long curly brown locks. It was matted as seen as I never bothered to brush it properly anymore.

"You're not helping Max. I can't believe I'm seriously paying you for this." I stood up out of the seat and walked to the cabinet to get a mug.

"What you doing Indi?" Max questioned. I hated it when he called me that.

"Getting some apple juice. Why? You want one." I raised an eyebrow.

"That's if you don't mind." He smiled politely. He had perfectly white teeth.

"Of course I mind you lazy arse." He looked offended, " just joking."

"It's Friday night. Why don't you leave your homework just this once. We could order pizza and watch a movie."

"Don't you think that's the sort of thing a couple would do Max? You know what I mean don't you."

"Well we are aren't we?" Max said jokingly.

I blushed. My cheeks went scarlet.

Max looked embarrassed too.

He went to reach my phone to order pizza. I stopped Max, grabbing him by the wrist.

"And who's paying?" I questioned.

"Me of course. Can't you remember? I got a new job at WHSmiths."

"Oh yeah. How's it going?" I slowly poured the apple juice.

"Good. Apart form those rare moments of bratty kids coming in the store with their parents asking for stuffed animals and smelly rubbers and magazines. That sort of crap."

I just smiled.

Half an hour later we were walking side by side in the darkness. Just the street lights guiding our way to the supermarket. We decided to go get some popcorn and sweets. I felt as if it wasn't fair on Max to pay for the take away as well as this. I did insist to pay but max was just to nice. I walked down the makeup isle. I brought some of my savings- I couldn't resist getting some bright red lipstick. I suddenly felt bad and also got a male hair care kit for Max to say thank you. For no reason; just for being nice I suppose. It had a little wooden brush in it like the ones they use at the barbers and some cheap hair gel and mini samples of shampoo and conditioner.

I saw Max by the feminine products. He didn't realise I was next to him.

"What are you doing?" I looked at him, confused.

"Just looking there's a lot of options. Ooo how about this one, Indigo?" He waved a pack of maxi- pads in the air.

"You are so childish Max! It's actually embarrassing." I sighed.

Max walked ahead to the till as I followed along behind.

"Okay. I got popcorn, jelly babies and a chocolate bar for you."

"Your too sweet."I edged closer to max reaching for his hand.

Max backed off.

"What are you doing?" Max whispered so that the air wouldn't be full of concern from the old lady's doing their late night shop.

I turned away and mumbled, "Holding your hand. Why?" I looked up at the ceiling with numerous cracks, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

A tear escaped from my hazel eye. Why did I hold his hand? What was on my mind? Neither I knew nor Max. We hadn't been this close in years apart from when we were little and snuggled up on the sofa to watch the afternoon shows on CBeebies.

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