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Terra Prime timeline

Albedo sneezed hard enough that the device he was working on had exploded and the people he was working for had glared at him.

Azmuth Tower

The two dumbest Galvan's listen to the First Thinker talk and actually complement Ben's intelligence.

"With due respect First Thinker, even the dumbest Galvan is smarter then any-"

The door bursts open with Zeno, Luhley and Lesser Azmuth.

"Ben is on the Stinger repairing Malware." Luhley said sounding like she ran here.

"What?!" The three shouted.

"Ben ordered radio silence so he could work." Luhley said as her badge played the message.

"This is Plumber Officer Benjamin Kirby Tennyson Ordering radio silence until otherwise noticed. I am attempting Repairs on one Malware of Galvan-B. I have everything I need except silence and time. If Patelliday is listening...I'm using a favor to let me help this creature."

"Ben's currently has vital machinery attached to his brain and willingly entered a confined space with a corrupted Mechamorph?" Azmuth Prime asked.

"Wait vital machinery?" The earth Galvans asked.

"That is more personal information of Ben's." Zeno said "And I have total faith in him."

"Should we call Magister Tennyson now or wait to get Ben's corpse?" Driba asked.

"Corpse would be easier." Blukic said.

"No it wouldn't!" Driba said.

2 hours later

Malware watched the screen slowly count up.

[8% Loaded...]

"So once this is done my pain will be gone?" Malware asked.

"Yes." Ben said "This should be quicker to load then mine since you're mechanical."

Ben had showed Malware the Memory Backup on his arm and told him it would take days for Ben's to load while Malware's would be done way faster.

"Are you broken too?"

"Yeah in a different way." Ben said "My's not calibrated right. If I don't have this I...turn physically I'm fine...mentally..."

Malware had found a compfy spot on Ben's lap like a cat. The warmth from Ben and the pets was calming to the machine.

"Are all Terrans so warm?" Malware asked.


"Galvans hands are so cold."

Ben nodded.

The damn heat was on too and the controls were where Grey couldn't sneak over to.

6 hours later on Galvan-b

Helping Gwen 10Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz