A real clown [clown x reader]

Start from the beginning

"Oh come on. It'll be fun."

"No fucking way."

"What if I bribe you?" You raised an eyebrow.

"I'm listening."

"Okay, if you make it through this with me, I'll....get whatever you want tattooed on my lip."

"You sure?" He nodded. Damn. "I might be out for revenge."

"Fine okay. No curse words, nothing gross, deal?" He held out his hand.

"You have yourself a deal, my good Joshua." You shook his hand and then pulled him in, whispering in his ear. "A deal you are going to severely regret." He held up his palms in defeat.

"You have to make it through though. If you chicken out there's no deal, okay?"

"Whatever, let's go. I have to think about your tattoo."

Standing outside at the entrance was a lot more intense than it looked from further away. You swallowed. Maybe you should have made Josh raise the stakes. Josh paid the ticket lady and you two waited outside in line for your turn.

"Still wanna do this?" He asked.

"Mhmm." You grabbed his hand, squeezing so tightly he winced.

"Lighten up, Jesus. It's all fake."

It was your turn and you stepped into the tunnel, brushing aside a red bead curtain into the maze. There was only one way in with three paths branching off. Josh led the way, holding out his hand to feel if there was really a turn, or just glass and mirrors. It was dark, with harsh white spotlights shining down from above and fake smoke blanketing the floor.

"Shit Josh, this is fuckin' scary," you hissed. He shrugged. Footsteps came from behind and your head whipped around just in time to see a zombie ringmaster shuffling after you. You shoved Josh forward. "Come on run." He didn't need to be told twice. Josh ran ahead still holding your hand and dragging you behind him, occasionally slamming into sheets of glass nearly invisible from far away.

He was running so fast that you lost your grip on his hand, scrambling after him. He turned a corner, but when you tried to follow it was blocked by a mirror you were almost positive wasn't there before. It didn't matter, you just kept running. It started to feel like you were only getting more lost.

"Josh!" You shouted his name, but it was drowned out by the music. A loud bang echoed through the halls and you whirled around, pressing your back against a mirror. A clown was staring at you, holding a baseball bat in one hand and what you prayed was a fake knife in the other.

The clown stepped forward and you flinched, dragging out a laugh from under the rubber mask.

"You better run," it hissed. You took off running. Everything looked the same and in the half light you had no idea which way you had come from and which way the exit was. You were crying now, panting and aching from your body hitting the walls as you turned corners.

You doubled over, bracing your hands against your knees, trying to catch your breath. The clown appeared in front of you. You backed away slowly, hastily rubbing tears out of your eyes. The clown tossed his bat from hand to hand, staring. To your right you saw a turn, a way to get around him. Without sparing him a second glance you ran around the corner, still hearing his heavy boots hit the ground behind you. You looked back for just a second and felt your head smash against a wall.

You slid down the wall, crumpling and curling up on the floor. Spots danced across your vision, but you could still see the clown approaching. Your head pounded and everything was getting fuzzy. The clown leaned down towards you and bright blue eyes glittered from under the rubber.

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