Chapter Nineteen

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What a rush the past 18 hours had been. We'd ended up coming home as soon as we were finished in the meadow. It wasn't long after we started making out. It's like I was hit by a truck with everything I had to do to be able to leave with them. I had to pack for 3 months, get my work stuff together, go shopping for all the things I'd need whilst we were away. Not a single drop of sleep for either of us as we drove the 4 hour journey home at 10pm and went straight to packing everything up. I'd called Erica on the way home and she'd just screamed, saying she knew I'd go. It was 3 months. I was going for half of it. I wasn't guaranteeing the full thing unless I was comfortable. I could extend it if I wanted to, cut it short if I needed to as well. 

Now we were parked outside the boys house. Me in the passenger seat of Harry's car. We'd left my car at my parents. It was safer there whilst I was away and Haz said he'd drive me up when I get back. They had no clue I was back, nor that I was coming and my suitcases were packed, in the hallway of my house ready to pick up later.

"You get a flight home from anywhere if you need to Lil. Call me and I'll pick you up." He took his hand off my cheek. We'd been over this dozens of times already. Over and over again. So many scenarios we had plans in place for now. It was going to be fine. 3 months isn't even that long, it will barely be the end of summer.

"I know." I nodded. "Okay, let's go then. I'm not saying bye to you again." I chuckled and he smirked. "Don't look at me like that. This isn't a good idea."

"What? You going?" 

"Us." He sighed, nodding. We both knew it. I just appreciated the past few days and how he'd been able to remind me somehow that there were people out in the world that weren't Robin. Someone somewhere had to be right for me and I wasn't going to be second best to them. I was going to be their number 1. I knew it now. I recognised it. I think this crush was finally starting to fade and I was so thankful I did it without him finding out. "Okay. Enough. Let's go." I unbuckled my seatbelt and climbed out, walking up to their door with a Tupperware box in my hand, phone in the other. 


"Bails, it's me." 

"LIL!" I could hear him shouting from the kitchen and giggled, looking back over my shoulder to where Harry was leaning against the car. "GUYS, IT'S LIL. SHE CALLED."

"Just a quick one. I know you're busy with final pieces-"

"How are you? Are you coming home?" 

"Will you be quiet a second. Jesus." I rolled my eyes. "I had something delivered this morning but I just got a notification saying they had to leave it on your doorstep. Can you go check for me?" 

"What, now?" 

"Yeah. I need to make sure you got it before you left." I smirked as I saw his shadow moving in the hallway. 

"Is it cookies?!" 

"I am not ruining the surprise Bailey. Stop asking questions." I went quiet as he unlocked the door. 

"You're not going to be back before we leave are you Lil?" The door pulled open and I hung up the phone, smiling at him brightly. 

"No sorry. I'm preoccupied with something." He looked up, confused for a second before his body relaxed, instantly picking me up. "It's cookies." I chuckled and he laughed against me. 

"Are you okay? You look a little healthier. When did you get home? It's only 9am. Did you drive down this morning? You look tired. GUYS SHE'S HERE." He put me down, holding my face in his hands. "Answer the questions." I giggled. 

"I'm okay. A little better than I was. I'll be okay, I'm getting there. We got back at like 2am, I'm exhausted, it's been a manic 18 hours. I haven't stopped." I looked back at the guys, smiling at all of them and stopping at Aiden, holding out the box. "Freshly baked, they're still warm." He grinned, snatching it from me, opening it immediately before running from Luke and fighting with him over them. 

"Wait. 'We got back'. Was Harry up there with you?" Bailey looked over my shoulder, waving and I nodded. 

"He came up and surprised me. Don't act like you didn't know." He smirked. "He convinced me to come back before you guys left." I turned and waved, he nodded, getting back in the car and pulling off. "Can you guys drop me off home when you leave?" Bailey nodded quickly. Good. My plan depended on it.

"I knew I liked that guy." I watched as Bailey raised an eyebrow at me and I rolled my eyes. 

"Just a friend." 

"A friend who makes out with his boss?" 

"Exactly why we're just friends." I pushed past them into the house, walking into the room where the other 2 guys were. Luke and Aiden looked up at us from where they were eating their cookies and moaning. I laughed at them, leaning over and taking the box off them despite their pouts and handing it to Robin. He slowly took it from me, like he wasn't sure if he should or not. 

"Lil-" I turned, facing Robin. "Can we talk? Please?" I sighed, nodding as I did. I needed to get this over with. He grabbed my hand pulling me out the living room, past the suitcases and into the kitchen, closing the door behind us before quickly wrapping me into the tightest hug he's ever given me. "I'm so fucking sorry Lil. I've been a massive twat the past month." I hugged him back. 

"Yeah you have." 

"You were trying with her. I had her back when I should have been watching yours too. I was so focused on her I didn't see how bad things were and I didn't even notice the things she was doing. I've spoken to her, in depth. I swear. I haven't told her too much, I didn't know if you wanted me to but I've told her that her attitude towards you isn't right. Not when you're trying with her." I buried my head into his neck as he held me tighter. "God I've missed you so much Lil. Thank you for coming back. I wouldn't have coped on tour with you being so mad at me." His hands wrapped around me, lifting me up and putting me on the counter before stepping back slightly. "How you doing? Feeling any better?" 

"A little." He nodded, pushing my hair behind my ears. "Your mum said stop being a tosser." He laughed. 

"You saw her?" 

"I was home. You know what it's like. Word travels quick around there and she was at my mums for dinner before I even got there." I chuckled slightly.

"So you were home?" I nodded. "I'd have come with you Lil." 

"That's why I didn't tell you. I needed some space. I can't even tell you how mad I was. I still am about it all." 

"I know. Bailey said. He said you were thinking about moving out." I nodded. "Please don't. I shouldn't have used it against you like that. I don't even know why I said it. The words just fell out." He rested one hand on my cheek, tucking more hair behind my ear slowly as he looked over my face. "I don't know what's up with me Lil. I wasn't even that mad until I got to yours and I saw you with Harry and I just got so angry over literally nothing. I think I just felt like I needed to be here to protect you incase it went wrong with him and I knew I was fucking off again and I couldn't be here when you get your heart broken again, and then the fight with Soph that morning. It just all built up and I shouldn't have taken it out on you I know. I'm working on it, it's just hard. I know you don't like her but I really want you 2 to get on." 

"Are you happy with her Robin?" I tilted my head slightly as he looked into my eyes. "Does she make you happy?" He thought about it for a second before nodding slowly. "Then that's all that matters to me. I'll keep trying with her. I just want you to be happy and if she does that then who am I to say anything about it." He sighed, leaning forward and kissing my forehead, long and slow. Holding himself against me for a good few seconds. "I made you cookies." 

"I saw." He chuckled, standing up straight. "I can't believe I'm going again just when we sorted it."  I pressed my lips together, giving him a soft smile. "This sucks." I nodded. 

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