Chapter Seven

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I spent the entire weekend locked home alone. The boys had complained so bad. Continuously. I just needed to get on top of work I have no idea how it got so out of hand so quickly but it had and that wasn't like me. It had taken me all of Saturday but I did it and then managed to get slightly ahead by a day on Sunday. That's how I like to be. Ahead on work. Prepared. 

I was earlier than I was expecting this morning. Not been able to sleep all weekend again and this morning I just stopped fighting it. Driving to the gym at 4am for a 3 hour work out meant I was getting her at 10 to eight. Not bad at all. In fact it's pretty impressive.  

I stopped in the lobby, tilting my head at the 2 boys having a conversation. 

"Morning." They turned, Harry smiling but Robbie raising an eyebrow. "You're early Haz. And I feel under dressed now. Look at you, shirt and everything." I smirked. Erica was going to have a field day. 

"Well, you know, first day and everything." I chuckled, handing him the keys, and pulling my phone from my pocket to undo the security alarm. "Go on up. It's unlocked. You remember the kitchen layout?" He nodded, walking up the stairs. I would not be taking stairs today. Or walking as much as possible. I was dead. "What are you doing here? Its way too early for you to even be up." 

"Well I knocked on your door to bring you in at 7 and you didn't answer." 

"I was at the gym." He stared at me. "I was." 

"Hm. So are you still playing the whole nothing's wrong game?" 

"It's not a game if nothing is wrong Robin." He undid the bow I'd tied my hoodie strings in, smirking at me. "Did you have a nice weekend?" 

"No my best friend was AWOL." 

"I was working from home." 

"And you banned us from coming over."

"So I could catch up and come over tonight." 

"You're coming over tonight?" 

"No." I put on a stupid sarcastic accent. "I'm just saying it for shits and gigs." 

"Very funny." He smiled and I felt my body relax. "I'll bring Soph over then." And there's that tension again. Oh well. 2 seconds is still a break I guess. 

"Cool. I've got to go. Don't want to leave the newbie alone for too long. Might stick his finger in a plug socket or some shit." 

"Lil-" I stepped to the lift, pressing the button before looking at him. "You sure you're okay?" 


"Did you sleep better?" 

"Mhm." I nodded, smiling softly. 

"Good. You know you're still my favourite girl right? Even now I have Soph. You're still my best friend. No ones going to take that away." The lift opened and I stepped in, quickly pressing the button. 

"See you tonight." I leaned back against the wall as the doors closed, laying my head against the mirror and letting out a deep breathe. 

I hated this. It was a lot easier to deal with when he was single. Seeing him with her made me sick to my stomach. And then I felt even more stupid for not being able to move past him. I just hadn't met anyone I had such a strong connection to. But I guess that's the 22 years of friendship that gives that connection. 

Outside of our group, I had never really tried to build friendships with other guys. I already had 4 guy friends, why would I need more. I think it has come across more as if I'm trying to avoid guys all together. I wasn't, I just didn't see the point. I had enough friends. 

But now I was on the edge of having enough waiting for Robin. I'd known I'd been in love with him since I got the promotion last year. When I did, he was the first and only person I wanted to tell. I knew I told him because I waited until I knew their show was over and I called. 

They were all so happy and then Robbie started talking about some girl he saw in the audience. Then my heart snapped in two. That's all I needed to know I was right. I'd been keeping this huge secret from him since then and I'd kept it that way ever since. I didn't intend on him ever knowing if I could help it. 

"You've been stood there a while." I looked up at Haz, holding the lift door open as he stood in the way of it closing. "You okay?" I sniffed, standing up and checking myself in the mirror before walking past him. 

"Yeah, fine just one of those weeks you know?" He looked at the keys and the door and I chuckled. "I forgot to tell you which key didn't I?" He nodded and I laughed lightly. "Sorry. It's this one. Orange for Office." 

"Perfect sense." I turned the key and moved to let him in first. 

"Yeah. I'm forgetful when it comes to this. Like Purple is for Personal office.  Red is Erica's because DANGER." He laughed. "Coffee?" 

"Yes. Definitely." I let him have a soft smile walking to the kitchen with him behind me. "Gym session this morning or this afternoon?" 

"This morning. 3 hours. I nearly died. My legs are like jelly." He chuckled. 

"3 hours? What time did you get up for that?" 

"I've been up since 4. Just gave up on sleeping. I'm done trying to fight it at the moment." 

"Not sleeping well continuously is a sign of high stress." I sat down as he turned the kettle on. 

"You can say that again." I snickered. 

"Not sleeping well is a -" 

"Not literally." I laughed which made him smile. "How was your weekend?" 

"Fine yeah. I didn't do much. Did you?" 

"I locked myself in my house and worked. Pathetic. I know. What 25 year old locks herself at home and works for a full weekend?" 

"One with an important job. You did say you were behind on Friday. I mean, catching up only makes sense and if you didn't have any other plans." He shrugged. 

"See! It does make sense. No one else sees it like that. They think I'm being antisocial." 

"I don't think that." 

"Oh I definitely am. But still." He laughed and I chuckled. "I just don't want to be around him all the time. Not him and prissy princess. She gets right on my tits." 

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