Chapter Six

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We stepped out of the elevator, Erica waving and bolting. She was already late to pick up her kids as it was. 

"Thanks again Harry. It really means a lot you jumping on this so quickly for us." 

"Honestly, call me Haz. It's fine. Thanks for giving me the ability to. It's a lot bleaker out there than you realise." I smiled, touching the top of his arm gently, I knew what he meant. I struggled when I set out too. Thank god Erica took me on. I don't know where I'd be without her. 

"No, I get it. I was the same. I'll get the contract sorted for you now and email it over, have a look over the weekend. I'll be picking up emails, but my phone numbers on there if you have anymore questions. Otherwise, I'll see you Monday morning? I'll be here from like 8." 

"See you Monday." I smiled as he walked away, pressing the lift button again

"Come on then." I didn't even turn to look at him. Just stepped into the lift and pressing the right button. He slid in just as the doors were closing. 

"Who was that?"

"Who was who?" I pulled my phone out, typing away messages to Erica about his requests to see if we could reach them. 

"The guy. I thought you only worked with girls." 


"Bah. Me. No. Why would I be jealous?" I looked up at him through my eyebrows, raising one as he stared at me before going back to texting. He cleared his throat. "So how was work?" 


"Other than busy?" 

"Busy." The doors opened and I stepped out. He hadn't been up here before. I'd worked here for 4 years but he had never been allowed past reception. Bailey had. Only because I left something at theirs that I needed desperately and I couldn't leave my meeting to go get it off him and no one else was free. "Kitchens over there, help yourself to anything without anyone's name on, bathrooms, of the left. Keep it clean. My office is at the top, right at the end. That's where I'll be when you're done looking around. Don't touch anything on people's desks they have it set out like that for a reason." He looked at me but I just carried on typing, walking off and leaving him to explore. I had too much to do to baby him. 

I sat down in my chair, pulling one leg under me as I sighed, opening the laptop. What do you do when you have a list as long as your arm. What do you start on first? I'd be working this weekend. That's for sure not even a doubt. I connected my phone to the speakers, playing my playlist over the speakers in my office. I had propped my office door open for him, make it a little easier to find me I guess. 

Okay I guess we will start with Haz's contract. I need him on board and he needs enough time to read it over. I opened up the template I already had, pulling myself closer to the desk as I began editing it to be relevant to his role as opposed to Shel's. She was the last person this got written for. 

"I didn't know you had your own office." I looked up for a second. "I um- thought you'd want a drink." He slid me a can of coke, already opened. 

"Thanks." I took a slip and carried on typing. 

"So you're a big wig around here?" 

"Second in command." 

"Why did I not know that? When did that happen?" 

"Sarah stepped down last year whilst you were on tour." He nodded. He'd missed a lot last year. 

"Did you tell us?" 

"I'm sure I did." I shrugged, checking my phone and sighing, shaking my head at Erica being pedantic. "Gimme a sec." I called her.  "Why are you being so scrupulous over it?" 

"I need him to do more than that." 

"Like what?" 


"ERICA." I laughed, laying my forehead on the table. "Come on, II really want to finish this and get onto some client stuff before my brain gives in to exhaustion." 

"I don't know. I just want him to be able to take on other stuff too." 

"So how about I put in something like, resposibilities may change over time." 

"Sure go with that." 

"Okay. Salary and everything good with you?" 

"Just give him anything he wants." I rolled my eyes. "Send me a copy before you send it to him."

"Well I was just going to forge his signature on it to be honest. Of course I'll send you a copy. Give me 20 minutes." I hung up turning back tot he laptop. 

"Give up to exhaustion?" I looked up for a second, nodding before looking back. "You're tired? Did you not sleep?" 

"Not really?" 

"Why didn't you come wake me up?" I stared at him. "Oh." I looked back at my laptop adding in and taking out bits that made no sense to Haz's job. "I am sorry Lil. I just got lost watching her sleep on face time. It was 4am by the time I fell asleep."

"It's fine." I didn't look up.

"Obviously it's not. I know you don't exactly like her-" 

"I didn't say I didn't like her Robin. I said I think she has another motive besides you."

"So you like her?" 

"I think she's a lovely girl." For someone else. In hell. Where she belongs. 

"You guys would get along well if you hung out with her." 

"I'm sure we would." 

"Why aren't you looking at me?" 

"Because I'm busy." He sighed. "What?" 

"You've not been yourself since we got back." 

"I have." 

"No, you haven't. Short fused, quiet, dramatic. Its like someone's upset you and you won't tell anyone who or what or why." 

"I'm fine." 

"Lils." I looked up, running my hand through my hair. 

"Works just mental busy is all. It's nothing." We stared at each other for a few seconds. Both of us trying to work out what was going on in the other's head. It's a good job we couldn't read each other's minds. 

"How long have I known you Lil?" 

"I don't know like 22 years or something stupid." I scratched my head, returning to the laptop. 

"I'd like to think I know you better than you know yourself." I scoffed unintentionally. He didn't have the slightest clue. "What?" 

"Nothing. Carry on." He mumbled something under his breathe. 

"I do know you better than you think I do Lilly. I know you're upset about something and I don't know why you don't want to tell me but I'm here if you do." 

"I'm not upset about anything Robbie. I'm as fine today as I was when you left for Scotland." 

"Sure you are." I groaned, sending the contract to Erica and looking up at him. 

"Everything is perfect. Exactly how I planned my life going." He raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you say you were ordering food?" 

"Sure." He sighed. "What do you want?" Don't ask me that. You won't get the answer you want.

"Anything. You choose."

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