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June March stalked up the front yard of Tannyhill, her breath heaving and her eyes wild and crazed. The gun in her hand was warm from hold long she had been gripping it, but the entire way over here she hadn't managed to convince herself not to do what she was about to do. In fact, she was terribly certain this was the right way to go, her head spinning as she approached the front door.

She didn't bother knocking, reaching for the handle and trying to open the door. She wasn't sure why she was surprised when it was locked, but she was. She sucked in a deep breath, attempting to try problem solving but ultimately lifting the gun. She didn't even wait to consider how stupid this was, the girl pulling the trigger and shooting the lock off. She pushed the door open, starting towards the stairs almost immediately.

She got to the top of them, her face red and her breaths heavy as she started towards Rafes room. However the door opened and he ran out into the hallway, meeting her face to face. She held the gun up at him, the boy putting his hands up, his eyes widening when he realized who was standing in front of him. He couldn't see her all that great, the darkness of the hallway preventing him from getting the full view.

"Woah woah! What is this?" Rafe asked, confusion on his face as he looked at her. She stood seething, her hands on the gun as she tried to gather the words to speak to him.

"You have it!" His face softened in realization and he let out a sigh, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Put the gun down June. What are you doing?" She looked at him with fire in her eyes, the weight of failure making her shoulders heavy. It was the realization that they had lost that had driven her over the edge, everything that had happened in the past few days seeming to blow a hole through her chest. She swallowed and pushed the emotions deep down, biting her bottom lip to draw her mind from the internal pain.

The light illuminated the scene, Rafes eyes instantly widening as he took in the state she was in. Her eye was already starting to bruise, and she still had a little bit of blood around her mouth, her lip split open. The instant he processed what she looked like he neglected the fact that she had a gun on him, the boy starting forwards with nothing but concern.

"Who did this to you?" He approached her but she reiterated the fact that she was holding him at gun point, his walk faltering and stopping but his eyes not moving from the state of her face. He looked more worried than angry now, not caring that she was trying to threaten his life anymore.

"Back up." Her eyes dropped over him, he was dressed in only a pair of sweatpants, the boy not seeming to have grabbed a shirt in his hurry to see what was happening. She could see his tense breaths making his chest rise and fall and for a moment she hesitated, not sure what she was doing. But then the anger returned and she swallowed her reluctance,  shaking her head as he made a move again to try and get to her. His urge to touch her, to check her wounds and just have her skin under his fingertips was so overwhelming that he would take the chance of getting shot. He moved forwards again, trusting that she wouldn't pull the trigger. Her stance faltered as he grabbed her by the chin, a agonizing look in his eyes as he turned her head. She didn't know why it felt different in his hands, but she kept repeating the words in her head like a mantra. He had the cross. She closed her eyes, the pain in her eyelid pulling her back to reality from the trance of whatever this facade of being around him was.  She lifted the gun from her side, pressing it against his bare stomach and looking him in the eyes. The cold metal pulled his eyes from her busted lip to her hardened gaze, and he gave her a look that convinced her to speak. "I trusted you."

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