And the entire area is full of piles of garbage, everyone cleans up here, and the garbage transported by the spaceship over there will immediately fill up the clean place.

So everyone is used to digging through the trash to eat. Sometimes you can pick up one or two low-quality nutrient solutions, and sometimes you can pick up some moldy bread or something, but there are really very, very few fruits. It may not even be possible to find one for several years.

From here, Xu Fuhuan can roughly guess that outside this planet, fruits should also be precious food.

However, what Little Curly is holding is not an apple or a strawberry, but a tomato.

More than half of these tomatoes have been rotten, but in the eyes of people on this planet, they are extremely precious food.

"A bunch of ignorant idiots. Fuck."

While this group of people were discussing the fruit, the young man curled up in the corner cursed disdainfully.

These words completely angered the teenagers. Little Curly's eyeballs were red and his body was trembling. He gritted his teeth and said word by word: "What did you say? I have the guts to say it again."

" I said you are a bunch of ignorant idiots."

Xu Fuhuan could tell that the man deliberately provoked these teenagers, in fact, when the teenagers were talking about fruit, that person never took his eyes off Xiaojuan Tomatoes in hairy hands.

Perhaps, he just wanted to provoke the group of teenagers so that he could take advantage of the chaos and snatch the tomato.

Smart is smart, but others are not stupid. son.

Everyone is smart to survive on this dirty and messy planet, especially this group of teenagers who jump up and down all day long.

After the little curly calmed down, his dark eyeballs rolled around, and then he raised his proud head and said, "You want the 'strawberry' in my hand, right?

" Down. The body put the tomato on that person's nose. Although half of the tomato was rotten, the other half was intact. In addition, this is a fruit that people rarely see.

For the people on the "Zhu" planet who can't fill their stomachs, it doesn't matter if they are rotten, because they can't eat people to death anyway.

"Do you want it?"

The man lowered his eyes, as if dismissing the tomato in Little Curly's hand, but his rumbling stomach betrayed him.

The little curly hair smiled mockingly at him.

With a strong shake, the tomato was thrown to the ground and stepped on.

"A trash like you deserves to eat fruit? A person like you doesn't even deserve the leftovers we eat." After finishing speaking, under the distressed eyes of everyone, Little Curly stood up, moved away, and pointed The rotten tomato on the ground said: "Don't you want to eat it? Pick it up and eat it. As long as you eat everything on the ground in front of us, I promise I will never trouble you in the future.

" Xu Fuhuan frowned displeased at Xiao Curly's words.

He originally thought that this was just a dispute over food. After all, on this planet, food is something that is scarce for everyone. It is normal for you to fight for it. But insulting a person's self-esteem like this is not petty. There is trouble.

Xu Fuhuan couldn't stand it any longer, so he stepped harder on purpose.

Everyone's gazes were still on the muddy tomatoes on the ground, but the little curly hair was exceptionally keen. He turned his head vigilantly, and at a glance he saw the man standing not far away who was looking at them with a smile that was not a smile. On Xu Fuhuan.

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