Chapter 10

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Having consumed lunch leftovers, they're now sitting on the edge of the couch. One more person could fit between them. Vegas prefers to forget those comforting hugs two hours earlier.

"Build... is it the boy in that photo?"

For a while, quiet Pete breaks the twilight silence. Vegas nods slowly. His head, as if on a spring, stretches down. He's not sure he's doing the right thing, but it's too unbearable to keep everything inside:

"He was a little younger. Your age. We became friends when I visited my grandmother on vacation. He loved playing hide-and-seek more than anything else in the world. But one day... one day he hid from me so hard that I just couldn't find him... still can't.."

Pete seems to be hiccupping. Vegas watches him askance as he takes a deep breath, fighting the attack. When the hiccups recede, he looks at Vegas and, fidgeting, moves a little closer:

"Uh… he was missing, right?"

"Yes. And no one knows what happened to him. His parents died when he was a very young boy, and his grandparents, who were engaged in his upbringing, did not achieve anything with the search. When I started working in the police, I tried to raise the case, but there was not a single clue that could help in any way. I don't even know... I don't know if he's alive... and if so, what's wrong with him, what is he like now... and does he remember me?"

And again that same zigzag fold cuts Pete's nose bridge. Vegas squints and then gets to his feet:

"I'm going for a walk. And you lie down. You can do it right here on the couch."

"And you?" Pete bats his eyelashes a lot.

"I'll be back later... I'll make a bed for myself on the floor."

"Mmm... it's already so late. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"About what?"

"Go outside alone."

Vegas grins crookedly:

"I'm sure. If something happens, I will be able to stand up for myself."

"Ah... well, yes," Splinter giggles, obviously remembering that a policeman is in front of him.

He has no purpose. He really wanders where his eyes look. Oncoming lamp-posts light the path. On the way, he comes across a young company, a stray dog and some family man who has gone on a spree. Stopping, Vegas reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small thing. And after a while, he does not notice how a couple of salty drops will fall on it."

I'm not okay, Build… I'm honestly trying to live... but I'm not okay.

Upon his return, Vegas finds Pete sleeping with his nose to the wall on the couch. The guy is covered with his duvet, a blanket and a pillow are waiting for him from the edge. Chuckling softly, he heads to the bathroom. As soon as he turns on the light, he notices a smile painted with toothpaste and a note on the mirror:

You'll be safe and sound.

He stares at this message in a stupor for a minute. After he's reaching for a sponge, but at the last moment decides: tomorrow I will wash it away, but not now. Quickly takes a shower and returns to the room. Pete is still lying with his face to the wall. Vegas sits on the edge, but is in no hurry to lie down. Then he hears a soft:

"Shall I go to the armchair so that you have already gone to bed?"

"No need."

"Then why don't you go to bed? Don't be afraid. I won't rape you."

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