Chapter 7

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There was no need to lose my temper at all... Absolutely not.

Next morning Vegas wakes up to the sound of water from the bathroom. In a way, he's even glad he doesn't have to make eye contact with Pete right away. He wouldn't know exactly how to behave. He has always been a model of restraint for everyone. So why does this boy act on me like a red rag on a bull? After all, what am I... unable to put a street scoundrel in his place without such nocturnal dramas? And he didn't do anything out of the ordinary, he just wanted to wake me up.

After a five-minute nap, Vegas grabs a blanket on his lap and gets up.

"Good morning," sounds a calm tone when they collide when Pete comes out of the bathroom.

"Morning," Pete nods, hiding his eyes.

"In about fifteen minutes we'll have breakfast and move out. Stay in the living room for now. And no silly tricks, got it?"

"What kind of tricks?"

Vegas shrugs it off:

"I'll be back soon."

After spreading shaving foam over his face, Vegas turns his head to find washed underpants on the dryer. Definitely not his.

Uh... well, yes.

After taking a shower, Vegas stomps into the kitchen, where he turns on the kettle and warms up two portions of noodles that he wanted to keep for himself for the weekend. Pete appears in the kitchen without an additional invitation. Vegas puts noodles and a cup of instant coffee in front of him, complementing breakfast with chocolate chip cookies found in the cupboard. And he also notices small bruises on the guy's wrists, such as remain from a strong grip with his fingers.


"Enjoy your meal"

Splinter wraps noodles on sticks:

"The same. Boss."

Here we go. So. The main thing is to keep myself cool-headed.

"You can call me by my first name. Actually, it would be nice to follow subordination. But let's skip the formalities."


"I will instruct you more than once, but something needs to be understood from the very beginning. This is a very complicated person, in every sense. Getting close to him the first time won't work. But it is important to cast a fishing rod. To make him interested in you, so that he wouldn't be able to calm down until he met you again. And for that, you have to be inaccessible. Yes, yes, do not grin, it is to be, and not just to seem. Men by nature are hunters and discoverers. They are interested in unconquered peaks."



"Why didn't you tell me right away?" Pete laughs, looking up, "I would know how to behave with you. You would have been mine a long time ago."

By the cheeky grin and the unambiguous movement of the eyebrows, Vegas understands that this is another attempt to get into trouble.

But no, little wolf cub, I won't get hooked on this bait anymore.

"It's not about me," Vegas replies in a neutral tone, "but it would be nice if you stopped trying to provoke me."

"Mmm. And what if I fell for you, huh?"

No matter how Vegas tries, neither the redness on his cheeks, nor the stupidly inappropriate smile on his lips can be avoided.

"It's okay. You'll come over it."

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