Ch. 11) A Dream Come True

Start from the beginning

"Y/n? Y/n?"

You exited your thoughts looking up at Soap.

"We're here."

"Oh, okay." You started to walk to the doors but Soap put a hand on your shoulder stopping you.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay? You don't seem like it..I noticed the whole time we were walking you just robotically responded with 'mhms' and 'yeahs'. Is there something going on that you might wanna talk about?"

"No no, I'm fine Soap, I was just thinking about my training plan, I mean, Captain did rip me a new one for not having one earlier so I was just going over it in my head." You shyly laughed.

"Oh Okay, well, as long as you're oka-"

"There the hell you two are!" Ghost said barging through the doors from the inside of the training ground. "Are you both enjoying your little chit chat? We've all been waiting here while you two ju-"

"Shut the hell up Ghost, I know I'm a couple a' minutes late, I was doing something important so why don't you just save your reprimanding and let me inside." You snappily said annoyed.

Both Soap and Ghost stared at you for a second in slight surprise.

You scoffed, rolled your eyes, and pushed passed Ghost letting yourself inside.

Ghost's eyes followed you for a second that looked at Soap.

"Is there something I need to know about?" 

"I'm not sure, she said she was spaced out going over a training plan when we were walking here, but it seemed like whatever she was thinking about made her feel distraught."

"She sure as hell seems distraught."

"Yeah, I don't know."

"Alright well c'mon, let's get to work."

"Alright! Yesterday I showed all of you brain-wormed idiots how to be humbled, today, I'll show you some actual useful moves." You said getting everyone's attention.

"Wait do we all get sickles?!" One random guy asked all excited.

"No. We won't be working with blades just yet, and only I will use sickles, the best thing to use as a weapon for this mission are katanas, since the enemy will also be using katanas and it's not as complicated as sickles, we don't have the luxury of time here so katanas will have to do."

"Alright, so what are we learning?" Gaz asked.

"Close combat. Question, is strength the most important tool when it comes to unarmed fighting?"

Everyone coincided a confident yes.

"Wrong. Skill and quick thinking will overpower strength, always. Do you think I'm physically stronger than anyone one of you."

Everyone coincided a confident no.

"RIght, and yet I still beat everyone single one of you, lemme stop beating around the bush here. Today you will learn a sort of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Jiu-Jitsu teaches you how to use your legs to control a stronger opponent and increases your flexibility to escape a difficult confrontation. Every time you train, you are challenged both mentally and physically. Now the reason why I say a sort of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is because when learning Jiu-Jitsu, you're taught that the least amount of harm done is the best and how to escape a confrontation. We're obviously not doing that, so, we will be learning Jiu-Jitsu but in a way where whoever you're going up against can be easily stopped, whether that means them being detained or death, doesn't matter." You went on.

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