1k Reads Special!!!

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A/n: This is so cool and so weird to be writing because I never thought I would make it past 200 lol. But here we are at 1,000!!!! Anyways so here is a special chapter, this one is a part of the story but takes place earlier. This is when Y/n and Hunter were together but it was before Hunter left the coven. It's just some fun fluff to give you a break from all the angst in the actual story line. Because this isn't really a big part of the story it won't be as long as some of the normal chapters. Anyways I hope you enjoy!!!

|Y/n's POV|

I walked through the castle, it was a boring day. If anyone asks I'm patrolling. I was walking through the guards quarters when I passed Hunter's room. I knew he had the day off today and I knew he was either in here or in the library. 

I slowly opened his door in an attempt to scare him but he simply just looked up from his book and saw me. 

"Hey, do you need something?" he asked calmly. "Booo I was trying to scare you!" I whined as I walked over and flopped onto his bed. 

"It's gonna take more than that to scare me." He said with pride. I smirked the drew a circle in the air. a white board slowly emerged with the words "Hunter VS Y/n" 

Once Hunter saw the board he groaned. The board had 5 tally under Hunter's name, and 10 under mine. "Look that one time was uncool ok? How was I supposed to know not to blindly chase after bananas that get thrown in front of me!" He tried to defend himself. I chuckled and laid my head in his lap. 

"You wanna do something today?" I asked him as he started playing with my hair. "Whatever you wanna do... Wait aren't you supposed to work today?" He asked accusingly. 

I put a finger over my mouth and made a shushing noise, Hunter laughed a little. "I heard there is going to be a festival for the Night Walker, does that sound fun?" He suggested. "Wait the Night Walker is treading the boiling sea tonight!?" I sat up with excitement.

Hunter nodded his head. I grabbed his hands "We have to go see it! When I was little I would go with my moms it was a blast!" Hunter smiled as he stared at me. "What?" Asked and he shook his head like he just got out of a trance. "Huh? Oh nothing you're just so pretty when you get excited" I blush and lightly punched him "Shut up!" we both chuckled. 

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I decided to dress up a little nicer then normal because we were technically going on a date. I got out a (f/c) dress shirt and wore black baggy pants with it. I got on white boots and wore (f/c) earrings. 

I walked out my door to see Hunter standing there wearing gold pants with black shirt and black boots. "You look nice!" I complimented him. His face turned a slight shade of red. "Oh Uh thanks you too!" We walked out of the castle together and as soon as we passed the gates he held his hand out for me to take it. I gladly took his hand and our fingers intertwined.

We decided to walk since the festival wasn't too far away. "What is the Night Walker anyways?" Hunter asked, I knew he was asking just to see me light up and talk about it because I know he knows exactly what it is.

"Oh! Well the Night Walker only comes once every 3 months, a giant beast with four legs and two antlers is seen roaming the boiling sea. No one knows exactly what it is but we know it is very powerful, because it's ability to walk in the boiling sea without getting hurt. Legend says that if you cut off the beast's head you'll be granted immortality but that is just an old legend. No one has ever gotten close enough to try. On witch once..." 

I explained the mythical beast as we kept walking. I could fell Hunter staring at me but i decided to ignore it. 

We finally walked up to the entrance of the festival and gazed in. The whole place was covered with orange and navy blue decorations, the color of the Night Walker. We walked through the crowd and Hunter stopped he stared up at a small roller coaster in awe. "What is this?" He asked me. "You've never been on a roller coaster?" I asked. He shook is head not once taking his eyes off the roller coaster.

"Oh then we gotta ride on this!" I dragged him over to the roller coaster seat and got in. He sat next to me and we put the safety belts on. 

the roller coaster slowly started moving and Hunter grabbed my hand and squeezed it. We got to the top and the cart stopped. "Why aren't we moving?! Did it break?! are we gonna die?!?!" Hunter started freaking out. I rubbed my thumb against his hand "Calm down nothing bad is gonna hap- AHHH" The roller coaster shot us down and through a loop. I've never heard Hunter scream so loud.

When the roller coaster stopped, hunter immediately got up and vomited into a trash can. I started laughing while comforting him. 

When he calmed down I took out the white board again and drew another line under my name. "Hey that's not fair!" Hunter pouted. 

We continued through the festival until we noticed it started to get dark out. Hunter pointed to a roof top and I nodded. I drew a circle that was big enough for us both to walk through and a portal appeared up on top of the roof. We walked through the portal and onto the roof.

Time went by and I was now laying my head on Hunter lap looking up at the stars while he combed my hair with his hands. "Your hair is so soft..." I blushed a little "awh thanks!" 

Some commotion started a couple of blocks down so I stood up to get a look at what was going on. When I did, I saw a giant deer-like creature crossing the boiling sea. "Hunter look there it is!!" I said excitdly and pointed it it. He stood up and watched with me as the creature stompted and roared as it made its way pass us.

"Wow that was amazing thank you for taking me here Hunter." I said as i turned to him. 

"I love you Y/n" 

"I love you too Hunter" 

Our eyes locked and he slowly moved in for a kiss wich i welcomed. I would never tsop loving this witch, this wonderful maazng one of a kind witch. 

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A/n: Thank you all so much for 1k reads I love you all!! Also sorry for all the references in the more recent chapters I really like writing in references and stuff like that.

Also tiny rant you can skip this and go about your day but...

It's estimated that it only took Disney about 10,000 dollars to make The Owl House and yet, it made 778 MILLION DOLLARS, but no. Sorry Dana it doesn't fit with Disney's brand. I really hate Disney sometimes.

Anyways love you all thank you so much for 1,000 reads!!!!!!

-Coraline <3

(also if you're wondering how I got this chapter out so fast after reaching 1k reads... It's called, "It's 1:04 in the morning. and I haven't slept in the past 3 weeks".) I've literally just been sitting here waiting for it to reach 1k.

Heart of gold (𝕘𝕠𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕘𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant