14- "You expect me to leave my whole life behind?!"

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|Hunter's POV|

I had gotten back from Eclipse lake and Belos grabbed the broken key out of my hand and told me to leave. As I was leaving the room I heard Y/n's voice in my head and I stopped out side the door. 'Hey did you finish the report for the Palismen mission? Kikimora is asking for it. what a gremlin.' I chuckled a little then responded 'Yes I finished it, why does-' I was interrupted by another voice coming from the room Belos was in. I listened in close and heard, "I say the Titan has big plans for you and he does what he is told, unlike the previous attempts." 

Previous attempts what- what does he mean? 

"I'm starting to think you make those things just to destroy them! You have fun with it admit it!" 

"Of course I don't collector, it hurts every time he chooses to betray me" 

I stepped back and tripped over something. What did he mean?! This has to be a joke or something right! right?!

I must have been loud because heard the unknown voice from before say "Hey what was that? Do you think he is outside?" The voice whispered the last part. Belos opened the door and saw me in the rubble, he lunged his arm forward towards me. I dodged it and ran away from him down the castle hallways. 

My head was spinning, what did they mean? The words "Everytime he chooses to betray me" plays on loop over and over again.  I burst into Y/n's room without warning and crumbled to the floor. "Woah! Hunter whats wro-" I passed out from exhaustion and stress before she could finish.

|Y/n's POV|

Hunter burst through my door "Woah Hunter what is wrong?" I asked while running to him but he passed out before I could finish. I picked him up and put him on my bed. He was twitching and mumbling something. all I could pick out was "Belos.... Run.... Betray..."

After about 30 minutes of him mumbling in his sleep and me not leaving his bed side once, he woke up yelling. "I HAVE TO LEAVE! I HAVE TO RUN!!" He stood up and started breathing heavily. "Woah woah woah, calm down. Here, sit down and explain whats going on." 

He sat down on my bed and stared at the ground, twitching. There was still abomination goo all over his Coven scout uniform. 

He took a minute to explain everything he heard. and saw. "Well maybe you just heard wrong? A maybe Belos was just worried!" I'm more convincing myself at this point. 

Hunter stood up and took my hand running out of my bedroom door. "Come on!! We have to leave!! Belos is going to kill me!" I ripped my hand out of his "What are you talking about?!"

I heard guards on the floor above us yelling to each other "COME ON! Belos wants us to get that BRAT!!! So That's what we are going to do!!!!" I heard Kikimora yelling. Hunter looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Please. Y/n." He said in such a sad tone. I don't know why but it just made me frustrated. "NO! I won't turn you in, but I cant go with you!!" I scream looking away from him. "Y/n Ple-" He started again but I interrupted "YOU EXPECT ME TO LEAVE MY WHOLE LIFE BEHIND?!!" I Yelled at him and I could hear the guards coming "Go." I say in a stern voice "Y/-" 

"I SAID GO!" Tears were streaming down my mask where it looked like I was always crying. Guards approached me and I pointed them in the opposite direction of where Hunter was.

I turned around and looked out a window and saw him flying away. Tears where streaming down his face. Was that a mistake? Should I have gone with him? No. no no no The Coven gave me a home. Food. Family? Hunter was as close as I ever got to someone. Now he is gone.

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