2- Wisps on the Knee

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[A/n one of my friends suggested I change the perspective so I am going to for this chapter and for the rest of the story, if this chapter turns out well, if you don't like it I would love to know!!! please tell me!]

I rolled out of bed and fell onto the floor landing on my face, when the same knocking as yesterday pounded on my door. 

"Coming!" You yelled you quickly got dressed into your uniform and walked out the door, forgetting that The Golden Guard was standing right so I ran right into him and almost knocked both of us over. 

"Jeeze can't you watch where you are going?!" he said as he stepped back, "SOooo what are we doing today Blondie?" He started walking towards the huge doors leading outside "Don't call me that" he said sourly. 

I followed him outside and got on his staff, and grabbed the staff tightly. We both flew in silence for what felt like an eternity, until the never ending ride finally ended and you arrived at the knee. "The knee?! I'm just wearing my normal armor I'm not prepared to be here!" You yelled. Hunter began to walk towards the huge bone leg that had become a mountain, ignoring me.  

I was freezing cold keeping my cloak close to me to tray and get some warmth, Hunter obviously noticed my shivering and let out a loud sigh and took his cloak off giving it to me over lapping the one I was already wearing. 

I instantly warmed up, and it looked like Hunter instantly became cold. "Thanks." after I said that he stopped "Wait I think I hear something" He closed his eyes and tried to listen "What are we eve-" He put his gloved hand over my mouth (which happened to be the only part of my face uncovered by the crow mask)

"eee~"  You heard a sound coming from the right,  'It sounds like a child?' I thought. Hunter started to walk towards the sound slowly until a little blue light (or flame?) appeared out of the thick of the forest. "A wisp" Hunter whispered. 

"Wait?! really!!" I whisper yelled, he put his hand over my mouth again but this time I bit his hand. "OW! What was that for?!" He yelled and the wisp flew off "Great look what you did!" He yelled at  me, "I wasn't the one who yelled!" I yelled back "You bit my hand!!!!" we both started yelling at each other when I heard the sound again but louder. 


It sounded right in my ears so I covered my ears and so did Hunter. I looked around and saw we were in a circle of wisps. The sound finally stopped and I removed my hands from my ears  and so did Hunter. The wisps continued to surround us, then all but one dissapeared and started slowly floating away "I think it wants us to follow it" Hunter said, (almost like he was in a trance) as he slowly walked off into the thick of the forest. 'This is a bad idea' I thought.

After we walked about a mile we were lead to this huge cave in the wall "Blondie why did we even come to this place?"

"Like I said before don't call me that you know my name, and some coven scouts where patrolling the area and saw the wisps and Belos asked me to investigate" 

"You mean uuuuusssss~!!!" I said in a nagging sing song voice 

"No, I mean me. I have to go everywhere with you."

We both continued to follow the wisp into the cave, "Hunter I don't like this place" He turned to you and you could tell he was smirking under his mask "Awwww poor little y/n scared of the dark?" he teased. I crossed my arms and my face went red from embarrassment.  

We kept walking in the cave until I blinked and hunter was gone. "Hunter?.... Hunter!!??.... HUNTER!!!!!" I was screaming now when I heard someone walking and turned to face them. 

"M- Mom?" 

"Come on y/n! smile!!" I stood in-front of a huge sign that read 'Mystery Flesh Pitt National Park' I put on my best smile and my mom took a picture of me. "Awww look at you" My teeth were all messed up, my hair was done in 2 braids, I was wearing a pink dinosaur shirt, and light pink bucket hat. 

Heart of gold (𝕘𝕠𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕘𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now