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With the school year coming to an end, the summer air was blowing in. Visions of electric nights and days of sugar and sun filled the boys' minds, luring them in. Still, the arrival of a long-awaited summer meant the end of all things they had grown to love, and the thought was troubling to them, like a nasty burn that came with the warm sun.

Despite their worries, they were only a sign to enjoy what they had while they could.

"Na Jaemin and Lee Jeno." The muscled man spoke over the sounds of cheer and carnival rides ahead of him. He watched as a woman in the booth looked over a list of small scrawled names, an excited Jaemin at his side.

"You're both good to go." She nodded, locating both of their names. Opening the gate, she waved them along. "Enjoy the night."

Leading a buzzing Na through the entrance, Jeno's eyes wandered the jumble of lights, sounds, and fun in front of him, thoughts incoherent. If not for Jaemin's arm anchoring him to the walkway, he'd be overwhelmed. "Where to first?"

It had been years since Jaemin had been to an amusement park, and even though this was a small one, he was thrilled. His attention was being demanded by every sight, every sound, he couldn't get enough. "We could go on the ferris wheel- no. Treats first? Or should we save those for later? How do you feel about rollercoasters?"

Jeno was content following Jaemin anywhere, no matter the ride, in the park or out. Hand outstretched to the possibilities of the park, he smiled. "Lead the way."

Jaemin returned the look, taking the boy's unsuspecting hand in his own. Jeno's cool grip contrasted the warm night air around them, and the Na enjoyed it immensely. "Let's go."

Though Jaemin had experienced plenty of enjoyable moments at this new school, this night was one of his favorites. Laughing, hand in hand with Jeno, running to wherever the night's breeze took them. From ride to ride they jumped, loving each one.

Jeno felt slightly sick from the swirling, bumping, and turning of their mechanical adventures, but he didn't mind the churning in his stomach. The smiles and laughs from his companion made it all worth it.

As if Jaemin could feel the pounding in Jeno's head, he pulled them away from the whirling rides, voice soft against the roars around them. "I think it's time for some food. What about you?"

The Lee couldn't complain, knowing that his whole heart and all the money in his wallet were devoted to the Na.

Purchasing a soda for himself, the two waited in line for Jaemin's ice cream to be prepared, a voice catching their attention.

"Hey! You guys made it!"

Turning to see a missed Canadian, the pair waved him over. While Mark always dressed professional at school, taking his position seriously, today he was more casual. He looked cool always, Jaemin thought, but today especially.

"Can I get you anything?" Jeno motioned to the food stands beside them, fully prepared to treat his friend.

Luckily for his wallet, Mark was in no mood to leech. "No thanks, I've already had plenty."

Jeno accepted the answer, glancing around the park. "It might just be us tonight, I haven't seen anyone else."

Mark shook his head, glancing behind him. "I found Jisung not too long ago, but now he's disappeared again."

seven 》nct dreamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang