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Zhong Chenle is in a dilemma.

For the most part, all aspects of his life are currently great. His grades, his friends, his girlfriend, all of it. Superb.

Especially his love life. Chenle is happier and more content than he ever has been before. He's currently texting the girl he adores, and apparently she feels the same.

Everything is perfect.

Kind of.

As Chenle sits and waits for the lovely lady to type out her response as he lays in bed, his eyes leave the device and wander to a slighty dried yellow rose on his shelves. Though the thing is so dehydrated it threatens to shed petals if ever touched, he can't help but focus on it.

He's choosing to ignore that it's not only the rose he's incessantly thinking of. He can imagine the flowery smell, but there's another scent. A darker, taller, more handsome aroma he can't get off his mind.

Another text from his girl. A small-talk, 'what are you doing?"

Blinking away the immediate thoughts that tell him to type, "Thinking about Jisung", he lies, sending an appropriate message instead. "Missing you <3"

He's not sure what it is about his skyscraper of a best friend, but the Park sure bothers his girlfriend. He's picked up on that lately.

Especially the other afternoon when he had mentioned Jisung. It was only a story or two, it hadn't been that bad.

Still, the girlfriend snapped, the irritation clear on her small face. "If Jisung's so perfect, why don't you just date him instead?"

If Chenle thought about it, Jisung would be the perfect guy. They already knew everything about each other and got along wonderfully. Chenle's volume and Jisung's lack of complemented perfectly. Not to mention, the boy wasn't too bad in the looks department. There were times when they were together that the Zhong could just sit and admire the younger if he wanted to. If it weren't for his girlfriend-

That was when Chenle remembered there was someone else there watching him, observing as he rolled the idea around in his head.

"You're unbelievable." She had frowned, her eyes wide. "Were you actually thinking about it?"

"Of course not." A lie. Chenle needed an excuse desperately. "Jisung's my best friend, nothing else."

She gave up the subject, but Chenle's not sure she believed him. He's not even sure he believes himself.

Right now everything is just in this confusing, muddled state of weird. Chenle loves this girl, but he also can't help noticing every detail about another lanky individual.

In times like this, he'd usually turn to Jisung to spill all his problems, but what is he supposed to say?

'Hey? Those romantic fuzzy feelings I should be having with this girl? I'm getting them with you instead."

Park Jisung is many things, but an affectionate, loving person he is not. Chenle can only imagine how terribly awkward of a trainwreck that conversation would go.

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