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"How was your relationship with your dad growing up?" Donghyuck questioned, leaning forward while absent-mindedly thumbing through a nearby book.

The question was directed at a not amused Jeno, who only stared forward in irritation. "I'm not answering that."

"Fine. Keep your secrets." Donghyuck shrugged, turning to the rest of the group, a plan in his malicious mind. "I've got other victims."

Making eye contact with the youngest, the detention dweller grinned as Jisung's eyes widened.

"Me? Why don't you ask Renjun a question or two?" Perhaps if the Park got the attention on someone else, this curious creature would leave him be.

"Please. Renjun's an open book." The Lee shrugged off the request. He gave the others a look that sent chills through their bodies. "It's you two I can't figure out."

Renjun sat up, clearly offended. "I can be mysterious."

The statement was a challenge to Donghyuck, whose brow raised.

"You don't know how to connect with people so you use your intelligence as a barrier. It's something that you can be proud of to distract you from your lack of social skills. You like to pretend you're fine on your own, but really the fact of how lonely you are suffocates you." Donghyuck sighed, hands placed neatly on his lap. Carefully watching the Chinese, the corners of his mouth turned up in a proud smirk. "How did I do?"

Instead of answering, Renjun turned away, his arms crossed in front of him. "Jisung. Answer the man's questions."

After Jisung had sent a dirty look in the direction of his partner, he found Donghyuck already watching him, a question looming on his mind.

Jisung could have turned down the request, but he wanted this project to work. The only way he saw for that to happen was to participate.

Nodding, he mentally prepared himself for whatever may have been coming his way. "Shoot."

Leaning back in his chair, Donghyuck took a moment to observe the youngest before he spoke.

"Unlike the others, you don't crave the smallest bit of human interaction. You don't have many friends, but it's clear you're content." Running a hand through his chestnut hair, Donghyuck thought carefully. "You got a girlfriend?"

"No." The answer came almost too fast, the quick reaction piqued Donghyuck's interested, and Jisung knew something had tipped him off. He attempted to save himself, poorly. "Girlfriends are dumb."

"Interesting." The wheels were spinning now. Donghyuck's gaze made it feel like Jisung was layed out on a slab, the tan boy picking apart his brain. "What about other relationships? Is there a best friend in the picture?"

"Yeah." Jisung mumbled, unsure of where exactly this was going. "Why?"

As if the question wasn't asked, Donghyuck continued, chin resting on his hand. "Has this friendship been going on long?"

Nodding, Jisung recounted the years in his head. "We met when I was nine. He was ten."

Jeno and Renjun watched as Jisung slowly opened up, Donghyuck taking in all the details.

"So you've been together for a while." Donghyuck liked to imagine that he sat with a pad of paper, listening to Jisung's thoughts and making assumptions. "Any problems?"

"No." Yet another hurried response. Yet another cover up. "We're perfect."

No words came from the honey skinned boy, only a long stare, waiting for the truth.

"Well, that's not entirely true." Jisung's voice grew lower, and the words began to trickle out. The youngest's eyes were on the floor, seemingly forgetting that anyone else was there. "I feel like things are different lately, you know? Something has changed."

Jeno marveled as the silent, unfeeling Jisung completely let down his guard, sharing everything in his mind. The Lee vowed to himself that he would never do the same, let the rebellious boy manipulate him like that.

"Tell me about it." Donghyuck leaned forward, devoting his attention to the struggling kid.

With that, Jisung opened the floodgates. "We used to spend every minute together, and I guess I took that for granted. I never realized how important he was in my life until lately. Now he's busy with other things and other people, and I don't know what to do without him."

Donghyuck was going to ask a question, but the words never stopped.

"Now he's got this girlfriend. I hate her, but I don't know why." Leaning back in his chair, the Park huffed, his brows furrowed. "I'm jealous, that's obvious. But of what? Am I mad because she's spending all this time with him or because-"

The sudden halt caught the other three's attention. They watched as Jisung blinked away thoughts, eyes on the ceiling.

"Because what, Jisung?" Donghyuck waited, sensing a breakthrough.

The thought came so suddenly, so clearly to the Park. All the confusion, the inner turmoil, it was gone in a second.

Finally meeting Donghyuck's gaze, all the pieces clicked as Jisung breathed his answer. "Because I wish it was me."

Before anyone had time to explore the idea, a voice from the door tore their attention away.


All four pairs of eyes went to a boy whom the three didn't recognize, but their friend's wide eyes and speechless manner told of his identity.

"Chenle." Jisung panicked, wondering how much of their conversation his friend had just overheard. "What are you doing here?"

Confused, the boy glanced at his watch, wondering why the other three people in the room were staring at him in shock. Moving his attention back to his friend, Chenle ignored the odd reactions. "You told me to come pick you up when your meeting was over. Are you ready?"

"Oh. Yeah." Fumbling over both his words and his feet, the Park nodded, leaving with only a look of pleading sent to his other friends.

As the trio watched the poor, awkward boy go, Donghyuck couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction due to unearthing the kid's secrets. Turning to a awe-struck Jeno, the tan boy gave him a malicious grin. "You're next."

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