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Stubborn. Irritating. Annoying. Friend-repelling.

All these words are appropriate to use when describing Donghyuck, he knows that himself very well.

He, on the other hand, prefers the term miracle worker. Donghyuck knows this to be a fact when he's in the library one afternoon, terrorizing his three new friends. Jeno was just about to make some empty threat and most likely wring his neck when they realized they weren't alone.

Turning to the two kids standing unsure in the doorway, a boy and a girl, Renjun glanced around the room, a frown on his face. Much more social and brave than the others, he spoke up. "The librarian stepped out for a moment, but she should be back soon."

The two newcomers blinked in confusion at Renjun's misunderstanding. Fixing the straps on her backpack, the girl shook her head. "We heard about a club. Is this the wrong place?" 

A club. Their club. 

Realizing what the two were referring to, the group perked up, a sense of shock and excitement filling them. None of them could believe that weeks after the club's creation, people were finally visiting.

"No, sorry. You've come to the right place." Renjun stood up, motioning the two further inside. He sent a grin to Jisung and Jeno, but failed to notice the proud look on Donghyuck's face.

For the past week, the honey skinned had been working his hardest to spread the word about this little arrangement. 

"This club." He remembered telling the kids around him in his math class, knowing about their lack of learning capabilities. "There's a little guy in there. A real life genius, no joke. Fifteen minutes with him and my grades have turned around. I'm practically breathing the subject now, believe me."

Approaching the loners and losers, he told tales of finding the closest friends he'd ever met in his life. He shares how he no longer eats lunch alone and how he has someone to turn to now whenever he needs it. Not to mention how any of the three would take a bullet for him, and the same likewise. 

Of course, being entirely helpful isn't Donghyuck's forte. 

He recalled sitting surrounded by the cheerleaders in his art class, their taking in of his every word. 

"There's a real softie in there. A genuine sweetheart." The girls moved closer, fawning over his words as he painted the picture on real thick, drawing in the attention of other kids around them. "I'm telling you, I've never met someone so in touch with his feelings. He looks big and scary, but if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, Jeno Lee is your man."

Personally, he couldn't wait to see how that rumor panned out. 

As Jisung led the two visitors to a table with a hum of excitement, asking their names, Donghyuck is surprised to see the subtle nod that he receives from Jeno, the large man being fully aware they have only the troublemaker to thank.

He then felt slightly bad for painting a target on Jeno's back for all the hormonal teenage girls, but it's too late now. 

Overall, the day was a complete success. The group learned more about the two newcomers, the pair even being strangers to each other. Throughout the hour, they laughed and learned things they had in common, interests and dislikes. By the end, the two were exchanging numbers and the other four felt like proud matchmakers.

When the two left, Donghyuck grabbed his backpack, going to follow after them. Before he could make it all the way, he was stopped by a voice. 

"Wait." Renjun ran to the door, patting the tan boy's arm with a smile. He knew all along that he had made the right choice in their aid. "Thanks, Hyuck. We owe you one."

Hyuck. A nickname. With one word, the boy was floored. It was so simple, but it showed closeness, intimacy, feelings that were long foreign to him.

The trio watched as Donghyuck's usual snarky self dissipated, an almost soft and sentimental look replacing it. Without a word, he nodded, leaving in a hurry.

"Maybe we're too good at our job." Jisung smiled, cleaning up the library after everyone had left. Turning to Renjun and Jeno who were fixing the chairs, he shook his head. "If we keep finding people friends on their first visits, they'll never come back."

"More people will come." Renjun was confident. "Word will get around."

"For what you're paying Donghyuck, it better." Jeno snickered, leaning against the table. 

Renjun ignored the comment, taking a final look around the room. It was so exciting for him to do something, see people create relationships. It filled him with a sense of satisfaction like no other. Watching those two meet each other and bond gave him a sort of longing. Close friendships, he wanted that more than anything.

That's why he turned to the two remaining boys in the room, a hesitant question on his mind. "Are you two free for lunch sometime?"

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