When she pulled away, she stared at me, 'did you miss me', she asked and I bring my hand up and put a huge gap between my thumb and index finger, 'about this much', I said and watch her scowl at me, '...what, is that not enough', I asked and tried not to laugh, 'No', she simply says.

'Fine, this much', I said, adjusting my fingers more, but she's still scowling, 'do it bigger before I get mad', she instructed and this time I laugh whilst noticing the teams silent one, 'okay, don't get snippy', I said and adjust my fingers again, 'this much', I said whilst her scowl deepens and then she stares at Evie, 'come on Evie, let's go, we're not going to talk to her now', she says and moves over to her but I drag her back whilst she crosses her arms over, 'I'm sorry, I'll change my answer', I said.

'Too late, I'm mad', she says and then stares somewhere else whilst I snicker and put my hand out, 'this is the start of where I missed you and then it wraps around the world, twenty times', I said, 'that's how much I missed you', I add.

'Don't care', she scowls, and I smile and allow my powers to create a projection of the earth, which catches her attention, and she just stares at me with complete curiosity and shock, 'I missed you to the point of where we are', I began and then zoomed out and saw a projection of the milky way, 'then this much', I said and zoomed out again, 'then this much', I said and watch her eyes glisten.

'Wow', she says and then reaches her hand out to the stars that surround her, and when her eyes search mine, I smile at her, 'do you like it', I asked as she instantly nods and comes closer to me, 'how did you do it', she asked as I laugh to myself and then create the galaxy along with brighter stars and her eyes glow again, 'Pretty', she muttered and when it disappeared, she frowns at me, 'again, I didn't tell you to stop', she says whilst I hear the team laugh as Evie does the same and I do it.


My brows pull together when I saw Grace coming out of the bathroom, walking slower then usual and when her eyes met mine, I notice her breathing slowing more and more, 'what's wrong', I ask out of concern and when I'm reached my arms out, so she could come to me, she stumbles and I'm quick to catch her, 'Grace', I called out when her head suddenly fell back, 'Grace', I call out again, but there's no response, so I'm quick to search her body, 'What's happening to her', Evie asks out of concern, but I still search, 'she's been stung', Nat says when she turns her arm and we see the sting.

This wasn't supposed to happen, not yet anyway, I thought we still had time, but clearly I was wrong and now I was going to lose her, 'No', I mutter, 'She's allergic to bees', I state and watch Bucky kneel infront of us, then take out an orange object out of his pocket, puts it on her leg and then presses the top, 'what is that', Evie asks with a cry to her voice, 'medicine', he states and I stare at him, shocked, he saved her, he brought something from the future back with us and saved her.

'You won't lose her again Doll', he mutters and all I want to do right now is hug him, tight, he just saved her, he knew how much I cared for her, so he went out of his was to save her for me, 'how did you know', I ask him.

'Oscar told me', he replies and then takes the injection out whilst I look down at Grace and see her eyes open and smiles at me, 'I'm okay', she whispers and I lean down and connect my forehead against hers, relief setting in as I smile at her, 'I know you will be', I said and she weekly wraps her arms around me, and Emori is placing her head onto her shoulder, she's been asleep the last couple of hours so must have woken up, seen her and got worried.

'Is she going to be okay', Evie asks when I move and look at her, sat very close to us, 'yeah, she will be', I state and see relief on her face too.


We heard a crash in the kitchen, which made Evie shoot out her seat and run to the back, 'Evie, No', I warned, but she had already disappeared and we we're quick to follow, with Grace still in Wanda's arm's when I gave her to her earlier so she could pick her up when she volunteered.

Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate you, I love youWhere stories live. Discover now