Entrance Examinations

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Once the trio passed the registration tables, they found a spot to check their schedules. Jessica looked over her again and again. Orientation would be for two hours, followed by a tour of the campus. Then they would be divided for entrance exams.

Jessica would have Xenolinguistics starting out. Which was fine it gave her a chance to warm up. Then it would be engineering and mathematics. Medical would follow. Lunch, and finally would end up in general science. It was an easy enough day.

"It's like we've been drafted..." Kirk muttered looking over his schedule.

Bones leaned over and whispered in Jessica's ear. "Does he know this is the military?"

Jessica looked at her brother dumbfounded. "Who's the one who argued until two in the morning saying how much fun this is going to be and fantasizing about being a captain. Honestly you're complaining about a rigid schedule?"

Jessica and Kirk stared at each other before he muttered a shut up, threw his arm around her shoulder and lead her into the auditorium.

Jessica was practically bouncing through the orientation. She fidgeted in her seat, and was never so happy when the tour of the campus began.

Xenolinguistics was held in a large viewing theater. Jessica glanced around before they were instructed to take a seat. Jessica sat in the middle of Bones and Kirk. In front of her was a blank screen.

The Procter stood at the front of the room. "When I say go, the screen will light up. Letter tiles will appear. You will sort them into their respective language. Questions will get progressively harder depending on how many correct responses you have. When you are finished you are free to leave."

The screen lit up and Jessica immediately began sorting. Naturally she recognized Klingon and Vulcan. Romulan was added and so was Tamarian, Orion, and Borg.

Captain Pike sat at the desk. "How's the scores looking?"

The Procter look over at him. "There's some promising figures."

"Jim Kirk?"

The Procter check the scores on his end. "Not failing, but Xenolinguistics is definitely not his calling."

Pike nodded. "His sister, Jessica Kirk."

There was a click. "She's currently second highest just behind Nyota Uhura."

Pike gave a smirk.

Jessica paced in the hallway waiting on her boys. Bones headed out before Jim and she was happy to see her brother was not last.

Engineering was held in a simple lecture hall. One single problem written on the board. And when the Procter said go, they had one simple mission. Solve it. Jessica watched as everyone began working frantically. But Jessica sat still. Staring intently.

"Miss Kirk." Jessica snapped out of her trance and shook her head. People will still writing, but many had already left. Including Jim and Bones. Jessica got up, only now realizing Captain Pike sat beside the Procter.

"The Captain here is quite interested in why you were simply staring at our little problem."

"Its not so little if you ask me." Jessica shifted her weight. 

Pike shifted his gaze to someone in the back of the auditorium.

"Engineering is not suites for everyone." The Procter began. "Women have a better time in fields more suited -"

Jessica cut him off. "I cant solve an unsolvable problem."

There was a smirk from Pike. "What makes it unsolvable Jessica."

Jessica bit her lip. "You forgot the negative sign on the exponent. It went downhill from there."

Pike gave a chuckle then handed her a stylus for the board. "Go fix it and solve it."

Jessica took it and the stepstool and began to work.  Once she stepped down, the entire board was finished she stepped down. "That should be correct."

The Procter blinked and checked his data PADD. "Wh-Why didn't you say anything at the start of the test?"

Jessica simply shrugged. "My mother said it was rude to correct my superiors. No one likes a smart-ass."

Pike chuckled and clapped her shoulder. "Go catch up to your brother."

Spock straightened up and Captain Pike approached him in the back of the auditorium. "Captain."

Pike nodded towards the board. "You wrote the equation wrong on purpose."

"Not many figured it out. The young cadet however -"

Pike chuckled. "You will get the chance to meet her this afternoon. I'm very curious in seeing how you two will get along."

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