Captain Pike

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Once Kirk regained consciousness, Jessica began patching him up. "My specialty." She hummed as she stuck tissues up his nose and an ice pack for his head.

"I couldn't believe it when the bartender told me who you were."
Kirk blinked and looked from his sister to the man sitting across from them. "And who am I, Captain Pike?"

Pike smiled at him. "Your father's son. For my dissertation, I was assigned the USS Kelvin. Something I admired about your dad... he didn't believe in no-win scenarios."

Kirk scoffed. "He sure learned his lesson."

Pike looked him up and down. "Depends on how you define winning. You're here, aren't you? That instinct to leap without looking-that was his nature, too. And in my opinion it's something Starfleet has lost. We're admirable, respectable. But overly-disciplined. Those cadets you took on, they'll make competent officers -- but you can bet your ass they'll run home to momma minute they're looking down the barrel a Klingon phaser cannon."

There was a glare from Kirk. "Why are you talking to me?"

Pike gave a pleasant smile. "I looked up your file while you were drooling on the floor. Your aptitude tests were off the charts-- what is it, d'you like being the only Genius Level repeat-offender in the midwest?"

Kirk gave a soft chuckle. "Maybe I love it."

Pike shift his gaze to Jessica. "Don't think I left you out."

Jessica straightened up. "Sir?"

Pike leaned back. "Well thankfully you seem to have more manners than your brother. You're grades...your IQ alone. How have you not enlisted in Starfleet?"

Jessica folded her hands in front of her. "With all due respect Captain, my senior year just started."

"And yet you have well over 100% in all your classes, in fact from what your teachers say they have practically run out of material for you."

Jessica gave a tut. "My mother insisted that I remain here on Earth."

Pike cocked his head to the side. "And what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you want to be on Earth? Because I can pull strings and have you graduated. With Academic Honors and outstanding recommendations."

Jessica looked from her brother to Pike.

"Enlist in Starfleet. Both of you."

Kirk sneered. "You must be way down on your recruiting quota for the month."

Pike sighed and stood. "If you're half the man your father was, Starfleet could use you. You could be an officer in four years, have your own ship in eight. As for your sister. She could be head of Science, Engineering, Chief Medical Officer and a damn good one Jim."

Kirk looked at Pike evenly. "We're even right, we can go?"

Kirk put his arm around his sister and lead them to the door. Before they could leave Pike grabbed Kirk. "Riverside shipyard. Shuttle for new recruits leaves tomorrow, 0800. Your father was Captain of a Starship. For twelve minutes. I dare you to do better. If not for you than for your sister."

Pike stood at the bottom of the shuttle, checking the time when the pilot poked his head out. "Waiting for something Cap?"

Pike shook his head. "....No. Guess not."

Pike turned on his heels and went to climb up when he suddenly stopped. He turned to see both Kirks dismount a motorbike.

Jessica walked ahead of Kirk. Pike clapped her on her shoulder as she walked in.

"Four years?" Jim called. "I'll do it in three. Jess maybe in two."

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