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They are all in the plane. Fury, over the radio, asks if Loki is saying anything.

Natasha says he isn't.

Fury tells him to get him there because they're low on time.

Steve says he doesn't like it.

Toni asks if he's talking about Loki giving up so easily, calling him Rock of Ages.

Henry leans over to Nikolai and asks in Russian if that was really was Captain America, Nikolai confirming it was.

Henry takes a long look and says that someone needs to tell him that suit did nothing for his ass

"No one said you had to look Henry." Steve says, rolling his eyes.

"I don't see you complaining about me looking." Henry says.

Steve says he doesn't remember it being so easy and says Loki packs a wallop.

Toni says that Steve is spry for an older fellow and asks if he does Pilates.

Steve questions her.

Toni says its like calisthenics and says Steve might have missed some things when he was doing time as a Capsicle.

"And thus Cap's nickname was born." Nikolai says

Steve finally looks at her and tells Toni Fury didn't tell him he was calling her and the kid in.

Toni tells Steve that there's a lot that Fury doesn't tell him.

Thunder crashes outside, Loki looks up, asks where its coming from.

Steve asks Loki if he's scared of lightening.

Loki says he isn't fond of what follows. Steve and Toni look at each other, confused.

"Hey..." Thor pouts

Thor lands on top of the plane. Toni grabs her helmet and puts it on, ready to attack. Toni opens the back on the plane. Steve asks her what he's doing. Thor lands and grabs Henry's motorcycle, throwing it out the plane. Loki looks scared. Toni gets ready to fire a repulsor at him, Thor hits her back before she has a chance, he grabs Loki by the neck and leaves.

Toni stands back up and makes a comment about Thor showing up.

Natasha asks if he's another Asgardian.

Steve asks if they think Thor's a friendly.

"My bike!" Henry yells "I forgot you were kind of a dick when we first met Thor."

Toni says it doesn't matter and the tesseracts lost if Thor frees or kills Loki.

Steve says that they need an attack plan.

Toni says that she has a plan, then says her plan is attack. Henry quickly follows her out of the plane after grabbing a parachute

Natasha says Steve should sit out.

Steve says he doesn't see how he could.

Natasha says that Thor and Loki come from legends and that they're basically gods.

Steve says that there's only one god and he's pretty sure he doesn't dress like that. Steve jumps out of the plane.

Thor throws Loki to the ground and asks where the tesseract is.

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