Iron Maiden 2-3

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The door to the van opens and the sack is ripped off his head. They're in a very white room, there is a plane in the background. Justin Hammer is sitting at a table in the middle of the room.

Hammer welcomes him and says to get the handcuffs off of Ivan and apologizes for them. Someone takes the handcuffs off.

he tells Ivan that he's a huge fan and that he didn't want to make his first impression like that. He introduces himself to Ivan and says he'd like to do business with him. He tells Ivan to eat.

"What does he even want with Ivan?" Theodore Nott asks

"Probably something to do with the tech he had." Blaise Zabini mutters

A waiter walks over. Hammer says that anything Ivan wants they have. he says that he'll have his desert first and that it was flown in from San Francisco but its an Italian dish. He says that its organic ice cream and that he has a sweet tooth. He says that Ivan has a sweet tooth for Toni.

"And now I'm uncomfortable." Henry mutters

He tells Ivan that his actions toward Toni spoke to him and that he knew that Ivan knew he was listening.

"I don't think he cares." Harry says

He says that he couldn't bear to have Ivan shipped off because it would have been a waste of talent. He tells Ivan that he shouldn't have tried to kill Tony, he should have tried to kill Tony's legacy. He says that he has the resources that Ivan needs and that he'd like to be his benefactor. Ivan says something in Russian. Hammer asks if he speaks English and he can get a translator if he doesn't, then asks if Ivan has understood everything that he's says.

Ivan says he has. They do a cheers. Ivan says he wants his bird.

Hammer asks if he wants a bird.

"No he wants his bird." Henry says, nothing would ever make him replace his cat

Ivan says he wants his bird.

Hammer says he can get him 10 birds.

Ivan says he wants his bird.

Hammer asks if he's talking about a bird he has in Russia.

"No shit." Henry mutters

Pepper and Natasha are sitting on the couch, both are talking on the phone. Pepper says that the fundamentals of the company are still strong after Monaco.

Natasha tells Pepper that the AP wants a quote.

Pepper tells her to fax them.

Rhodey enters and asks where Toni is.

"Someone's in trouble." James sang

Natasha says she doesn't want to be disturbed. Pepper says that she's downstairs.

On the TV, a reporter is talking about Toni, she talks about Toni's erratic behavior and asks if she can still protect them.

Pepper says that the events in Monaco proved that Iron Maiden never stopped protecting them.

Toni is in her lab, sitting in a car and looking at holograms of different newspapers referring to Ivan and Anton Vanko. JARVIS says that Anton Vanko was a soviet physicist who defected to the US but was suspected of espionage and deported in 1967.

The lost Potter SistersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora