Incorrect Quotes

687 21 24

Wanda: How do Nikolai and Henry usually get out of messes?

Anastasia: They don't, they just make a bigger mess that cancels out the first mess

Harley: I do what I want

Peter: I'm telling mom

Harley: No wait

Anastasia: I'm a reverse Necromancer

Henry: Isn't that just killing people?

Anastasia: Ah technicality

Steve: You shot Henry!

Anastasia: Then I hugged him it's ok now

Steve: You can't hug your way out of trouble

Anastasia: Hugs Steve

Henry (Kicks door down in a panic)

Pepper: What did you do?

Henry: No one died

Pepper: What kind of answer is that?!

Anastasia: Who ate my sandwich while I was in the bathroom

Nikolai: Probably evaporation

Anastasia:  ...That's not how it works

Henry: I accidently burned down the house while making scrambled eggs

Toni: You did what?

Pepper: I'm at a loss for words

Henry: Despite being at a loss for words you both proceeded to yell at me for ten minutes

Natasha: Henry, Steve requests you stop saying "What's up slut" every time you see him

Henry: Who's Steve?

Natasha: Captain America? The guy in charge of the team?

Henry: Oh that slut Steve

Peter: It was so cool Henry! I webbed in there and he was all like "Knife to meet you!" then he stabbed me and I was like woah! That's a nice one

Henry: You got stabbed??!!

Peter: Yeah but he made a pun Henry!

 Henry (Walking into Toni's lab): Hey mom I think I'm allergic to Choclate milk

Toni: What makes you say tha- Oh my god there's a knife in your stomach!

Henry (Looking down): I forgot about that

Henry: Anyways about the Choclate milk

Steve (Throws stones at Natasha's window)

Natasha: You have a phone Rogers use it

(Glass breaking)

Natasha: Did you just throw your phone through my window?!

Wanda: Damn it's hot in here

Henry: Yeah, but why are you unbuttoning my shirt?

Steve: Did you have trouble writing the mission report Henry?

Henry: Piece of cake!

Natasha: You didn't do it did you?

Henry: I don't even remember what the mission was

Pietro: Can I be Frank with you guys

Harley: Sure, but I don't see how changing your name is going to help

Peter: Can i still be Peter?

Harley: Shhh let Frank speak

Peter: Does lightning Mcqueen have life insurance or Car insurance?

Harley: Yes

Pepper: One normal dinner is all I asked for

Toni: We both know that's not possible

Steve (Tired and trying his best): Collapsing building what do we do?

Pietro: Call the Ave-

Steve: We are the Avengers!

Pepper: Your in charge while Toni and I are gone

Henry: I'm your guy

Pepper: Don't do anything stupid

Henry: I'm kinda your guy

Pepper: And keep Peter and Harley out of trouble

Henry: You need another guy

Henry: Sorry I'm late I was doing stuff

Wanda: I'm stuff

Henry: Wanda! OMG that's not-mom we...

Toni (Staring at them and nodding)

Harley: How was the Honeymoon?
Wanda: Henry got drunk and tried to set the marriage certificate on fire

Wanda: He said "Good luck returning me without a receipt

Toni talking about her sons: My son are pure innocent rays of sunshine that must be protected at all costs

Toni: Except Harley and Henry, they need no protection

Toni: They are ruthless and will destroy you

Toni: They will burn down everything you love and smile at you while your life falls apart around you

Toni: But Peter is pure and innocent

Harley: Mother's Day is around the corner how's your presents coming along

Peter, facedown under table covered in tears, glitter, tape, cookie batter and greeting cards:  SCREECHING

Henry (After being shot): Hit or miss... I guess they never miss huh?
Harley (In the distance): Shoot him again

Toni: You know when I was your age-

Henry: You know when I was your height


Toni: Listen here you little shit

5-year-old Henry: What do butterflies taste like

Toni: They taste terrible

Rhodey: How-?


Henry (Piloting crashing plane): We're going down everyone strap in and hold on to something!
Anastasia: No thanks I prefer dying while giving you the finger

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