Iron Maiden 4

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The plane lands in the air force base. Pepper, Henry, Harley, and Peter are standing there with Happy right behind her. Inside the plane, Toni is now wearing a suit and is sitting in a wheelchair. 

Rhodey helps her get up and tells him to be careful on the ramp.

Then two people come into the frame with gurney Toni asks if they're kidding with her and asks to get rid of them.

"And so the refusal for medical treatment starts," Natasha says

"Mama!" Peter yells as the brothers run over and embrace her "My boys." Toni whispers, pulling them into a hug

Pepper looks over at her with a smile on her face. Toni walks up to her and says that her eyes are red and asks if she shed tears her long lost boss.

Pepper says that they're tears of joy and that she hates job hunting.

"I know better now." Toni says chuckling

Toni says that her vacations over.

"Bold of you to assume it was a vacation, even when you're gone you manage to stress me out." Pepper says

"It's part of her charm." Rhodey says

They all get into a car. Happy asks where he's taking them.

Pepper asks him to take them to the hospital.

Toni denies the request.

"You should have gone and gotten medical attention." Lily says

Pepper tells Toni that she needs to.

Toni says that no is her complete answer.

"At least now I know why." Pepper says

Pepper says that a doctor needs to have a look at her.

"Listen to her." Lily begs

Toni says that she doesn't have to do anything and tells Pepper that she's been in captivity for three months and that there are two things that she wants to do one of them is that she wants an American cheeseburger and the other is-

"Really?" Hermione asks and Harley grins "Never underestimate Mom's love of cheeseburgers." he says

Pepper says that she's said enough.

Toni says that its not what she thinks and tells her that she wants to call for a press conference.

Pepper asks what for.

"That stunt you pulled shocked the world." Bruce says

"What stunt?" Remus asks

"You'll see." 

Toni tells Happy to drive and to get the cheeseburger first.

"What is with you and eating after a traumatic experience?" Steve asks

"I honestly don't know." Toni says

Happy pulls into a parking lot. Obadiah is waiting outside of the building, he greets Toni as she gets out of the car then he hugs her.

Toni and her family all glare at the man

Obadiah tells Toni that they were supposed to meet at the hospital. Happy comes up around the back of the car with a paper bag in his hands.

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