A large, ornate desk dominated the space, and at the far end, Voldemort sat, his gaze focused on some paperwork."Ms. Potter, my lord," Lucius announced with a bow before discreetly leaving the room. 

 Voldemort looked up, his piercing blue eyes locking onto Lyra's. There was a moment of silence before he spoke, his voice smooth and controlled. "Welcome, Lyra. I trust your accommodations meet your approval?"Lyra inclined her head, an unreadable expression on her face. "More than I expected." She was surprised to see how good looking he was, in his twenties and not a hideous deformed noseless creature. 

 "Take a seat," Voldemort instructed. "I understand that you may have some questions, and I promise to answer them all in due time." 

 "I do actually. First, I'm not calling you my lord at all. Next, why would you even decide to make me marry you? What sick game is this? I refuse to let you torture me day and night at your own leisure." 

 Voldemort held his hand up, "You can call me Marvolo, and no, this is not a game to me." He leaned back, steepling his fingers thoughtfully. "Lyra, you're here because, in this tumultuous world, we find ourselves facing a common enemy. An enemy that is Dumbledore. Do you not ever wonder about how our world is in chaos with all the muggle celebrations being forced on us like Christmas and Halloween instead of Yule and Samhain? Britain was once the most powerful and leading magical communities but look at us now, countries such as France and Bulgaria have overtaken us, as I'm sure you have noticed in your fourth year."

Lyra furrowed her brow, her mind processing the implications of his words. "So, you're saying Dumbledore is the reason for our decline? I mean, I do know that he isn't that great a headmaster what with keeping a three-headed dog in the school or allowing a suicidal competition but what does this have to do with forcing me to marry you? How would does that achieve anything?" 

 Marvolo's gaze intensified, and he leaned forward, his piercing blue eyes locking onto hers. "Dumbledore is not the wise and benevolent leader he portrays himself to be. He craves power and control, and he has manipulated the magical world to suit his own agenda. I want to change all that, undo the damage he has done. I want to reinstate the old ways, create orphanages for magical children, ensure that everyonea has equal rights be it werewolves, Veelas and every other magical creature." 

 "But why marry me?" she asked, her voice steady but with a hint of vulnerability. "Surely there are other ways to challenge Dumbledore's influence." 

Marvolo leaned back, his hands folding in contemplation. "Dumbledore believes that your union with me will strengthen his cause. It's a twisted game he plays, thinking that by sacrificing you, he can secure a peace treaty and consolidate his power. Little does he know that the power dynamic will shift, and together, we can bring about a new era—one where true magical traditions and strength are revered." 

"What do you mean 'us'? Even if I don't completely trust Dumbledore, what makes you think I'll help you? You killed my parents" Lyra sneered.Marvolo's gaze remained steady, unwavering under the weight of Lyra's accusation. "Yes, I am aware of the events surrounding your parents, Lyra. But allow me to clarify—I am not the same person I was then. In my pursuit of power, I made choices that I now regret. I've changed, and my goals have evolved beyond the darkness that consumed me." 

 Lyra eyed him skeptically, her guard still firmly in place. "Changed or not, how can I trust someone who is practically the embodiment of evil?" 

 Marvolo sighed, a hint of regret in his voice. "Trust is earned, and I do not expect you to grant it easily. But consider this—Dumbledore is not the ally you believe him to be. He is willing to sacrifice you for his own gains. Our union, as unconventional as it may seem, offers a chance to reshape the future of our world." 

"You keep talking about our union like it is a matter of great importance, but you still haven't explained how me marrying you would do any good," Lyra pressed, her tone unyielding.

"Well, you are the chosen one, marrying you shows I am better than Dumbledore as he foolishly let the chosen one slip between his fingers," Marvolo replied, his face becoming indifferent.

"So what, your followers can just bully me, and I'll be treated like dirt? You're just marrying me to prove a point?"

"That's not completely it, and no, my followers won't treat you horribly; they have instructions not to harm, hurt, or insult you in any way." Marvolo responded. 

Lyra scrutinized Marvolo, her skepticism still apparent. "Instructions or not, you can't guarantee their behavior. What's to stop them from harming me?"

Marvolo leaned forward, his gaze unwavering. "Their loyalty lies with me. I have the power to enforce obedience. However, I assure you, my intention is not to subject you to mistreatment. This alliance is not just a show of power; it's a strategic move to dismantle Dumbledore's influence and rebuild our world."

Lyra's eyes narrowed, a mix of defiance and curiosity in her expression. "You keep talking about this 'alliance' and 'rebuilding.' How exactly do you plan to achieve that, and why do I have to be a part of it?"

Marvolo steepled his fingers, considering his words carefully. "The wizarding world is in disarray, torn between traditions and modernity. Dumbledore's misguided attempts at unity have led to chaos. Our union can tip the balance, redirect the course of history. With you as the symbol of change, we can garner support, weaken Dumbledore's grip, and restore the old ways."

Lyra scoffed, her disbelief evident. "You expect me to be the poster child for your revolution? Why not find someone else?"

Marvolo's gaze softened, a touch of sincerity breaking through. "Lyra, you're not just a pawn in this game. You're a powerful witch, the chosen one. Your influence goes beyond symbolism. Together, we can unite magical beings, reshape the political landscape, and create a world where everyone has a place, regardless of blood status."

Despite his persuasive words, Lyra remained cautious. "And what role do you play in this utopian vision? What's in it for you?"

Marvolo's expression turned contemplative. "I seek redemption, a chance to correct the mistakes of my past. My goals have evolved from seeking power for its own sake. I want to build a legacy of change, to leave a world that is better than the one I inherited."

Lyra's gaze softened for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. "Even if I were to consider this, why marriage? Why not a strategic alliance without the vows and the complications?"

"Marriage holds a unique power," Marvolo explained. "It's a symbol of unity and strength. It binds us in a way that mere alliances cannot. It shows the world that we are committed to a shared vision, that we stand together against the chaos. Besides, Dumbledore believes he can control you through this marriage. Little does he know, the dynamics will shift in our favor."

Lyra sighed, the weight of the decision ahead evident on her shoulders. "I need time to think about this. It's a lot to take in."

As Lyra left the room, the air hung heavy with uncertainty. The shadows of the mansion seemed to whisper secrets, and the fate of the wizarding world rested on the delicate balance of a chosen one torn between past and future.

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