| Chapter 1 : Once Upon A Time |

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[ Edited : ✔️ ]


[ 3rd POV ]

"Let us tell and old story anew, and we will see how well you know it."

A beautiful kingdom built on a great big mountain that had the sunrise shine it's lights at the dark castle. The darkness was swept away from the darkness living in every corner now had light that was bright as day.

Flags wave through the windy mornings of a new day, people getting up to start their day of work or purpose to do. Windows fly open to welcome the sun to shine into their nice warm room to wake up sleepy children from their beds.

"Once Upon a time there were two kingdoms that were the worst of neighbours."

Around the Kingdom loved green land of trees that stretched out across the lands as much as they can. The rivers flow like a snake slithering towards the great mountains from a far. Mountains tall as trees stare down below at the towns from a far, while the sun makes it way up to the sky.

"So vast was the discord between them that it was said only a great hero or a terrible villain might bring them together."

Towns people start to go there daily chores of the day with children running around in groups to play with each other. Parents prepare breakfast for their family's to keep their strength up to make them have more energy for the day.

Smoke disappear into the sky, came from the chimney that cooked devious breakfast for family's to eat. The Fisher men that carried tangled nets, went into their boats to row them to the middle of the flowing river to catch fish for the market to sale.

"I'm one kingdom lived folk like you and me, with a vain and greedy king to rule over them."

A wind mill stood in a small hill tall and high over the town near by like a watch tower looking over them. The fan spin round and round slowly, leafs fly away at the fan blowing at them. Flowers that lay in the ground, bloomed as the sunrise hit their petals when the leafs that flow past them.

"They were forever discontent, and envious of the wealth and beauty of their neighbours."

The sun shines above all over the mountains and forest that surround the rocky mountains that stood around the other kingdom. Birds start flying towards the kingdom with happy sounds of glee to see their fellow creatures.

"For in the other kingdom, the Moors, lived every manner of strange and wonderful creature."

Small fairy's appeared next to the colourful birds and both started dancing together towards the magical kingdom. Sounds of creatures play like a melody in the kingdom to greet each other for the day.

"And they needed neither king nor queen, but trusted in one another."

Small Mermaids jumped like dolphins in and out of the water while creatures big or small come to play in all sorts of fun with each other. Strange birds dived down to the waters to try catch slippery fish for them to eat. Water falls down from the mountain making a big 'Splash!' into the ginormous river.

Cursed | Maleficent X Male Oc ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora