Chapter 12

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Geno's POV

i was in the kitchen, preparing lunch for the kids and Reaper. Goth and Shino was upstairs and Raven was with Reaper, which was in the backyard. I soon heard a knock on the door and teleported to the front door, opening it and was greeted by Nightmare and Midnight. "hello, Nightmare and Midnight" I smiled. "hello, Geno. i was wondering if you and your family are willing to babysit Midnight for me" He said to me. "of course. we'll babysit her for you. may i ask where you and your gang are going?" i asked. "the star sanses are attacking and i wanted her safe. i highly guarantee they are after her" Nightmare replied, petting Midnight's head. Midnight's little tail wagged and she barked happily. I gently grabbed her from Nightmare's arms and held her. "i will be back hopefully this afternoon, if not, possibly tomorrow" Nightmare said as i nodded. Nightmare teleported away and Midnight's expression changed to a frown. i could tell she didn't want Nightmare to leave.

Midnight's POV

I watched as Nightmare teleported away. i wanted to stay with him but this is for my own safety. Goth came up and took me from Geno's hold. He carried me to his room and set me down on the bed and i look up at him. "you hungry, Midnight?" Goth asked me as i looked down. I just wanted Nightmare. "you miss Nightmare, don't you?" Goth asked. I only whimpered and curled up. As much as i wanted Nightmare to come back to me, i had to stay here. Goth petted my head "come on, we'll do something fun. wanna play fetch or tag?" Goth asked. I looked up at him when he said fetch. Me and Nightmare always played fetch, even the rest of the gang would play fetch with me! "so, the little puppy wants to play fetch huh?" Goth asked as i nod. "okay! lets go outside in the backyard!" Goth said, picking me up. Goth grabbed a good enough stick and showed me. "now, FETCH!" he shouted, throwing the stick but it landed in the pond. i am not getting in that pond. "oops, sorry girl" Goth said, looking down. i went up to him and nuzzled him. he started to laugh "why dont we go visit Palette for a bit?" he asked. Palette? who's that? i never heard of him before. I stared at Goth and nods. "perfect!" Goth said, teleporting me and him to wherever this Palette guy is at.

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