Chapter - 5

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"You have to ask me first without shouting on Jieun."Jieun stayed silent without giving any reply. She is still looking at the wall sinking in her deep thoughts.The land phone ringed in the household diverting everyone's attention towards it.Namjoon answered and screamed later as

"Hirooo you have a call."The little girl ran over to the phone and took it with her both hands. She laughed as soon as she heard the other line and exclaimed


Both of them was on a long phone call and here Jieun holding the receiver near Hiro's ear as she can't talk freely with the weight on hand. Actually she is happy that she can be helpful for others atleast in this amount. After calm 20 minutes Hiro dropped the movie bomb on Jungkook making Jieun uncomfortable. She don't want to show her incompatibility to fulfil Hiro's dreams. She sighed and then phone call also ended with Hiro's mischievous smirk.

"Appa said he will bring me to the movie."With that she ran to choose a dress to impress her father.

Taehyung arranged the bought items on shelves and washed himself. He came to living room wondering why Jungkook is not here yet.He told Tae that he will come early today so that's why Tae grabbed Ramyeon to eat. He can't wait to see his fiance's reaction. He chose a film to watch and put blankets on the sofa also.In the middle of his arrangements he received a call and he smiled unknowingly as it is Jungkook.

"Hey babyy....Are you on the way?"Tae asked cheesily.

"Tae I am unable to come baby. I am going to watch a movie with Hiro. She cried whole day for that."Jungkook said softly without wanting to hurt Tae.

"Oo..It's okay. Can I also come?"The volume of the sound increased at the end. He can be easily pleased and got happy over small things.

"Sorry baby. It's father -daughter time."

"Okay...I understand. Enjoy the movie and take care on the way."

"Thank you baby...Bye.."With that phone call ended and Taehyung looked at his own pathetic self. How living room is arranged, how ramyeon packets are kept on table ...all these things hurt him. He wanted to spend a little time with Jungkook but it is so hard than before. But he understood that it is for a small child. He tried to cope with the situation thinking from Jungkook's always.

It's now 10 already and still Jungkook is out. He thought that they may be getting dinner from restaurant. He watched the selected movie but it is not so good or is it beacuse Jungkook is not on the other side.He then made the ramyeon and ate it but it doesn't have the wanted taste. He looked at the empty chair beside him. He don't remember the last time he ate a meal with Jungkook. Jungkook is always so busy and Tae don't wanted to be a burden asking time for his silly desires. He sighed and dumped the remaining ramyeon beacuse he has no apetite right now. Actually it is so hard to eat alone. He came back to living room and took his phone to call Jungkook. But he saw a message from unknow and clicked it.

It is a photo of Jungkook , Hiro and Jieun eating dinner smiling eye to eye. They looked like a perfect family. Taehyung admitted that Jungkook is happiest when he is with Hiro. But why he took Jieun with them and no to him? Is it beacuse he is not included into this family? He again got occupied with those dark thoughts. He thought

"Who am I to Jungkook actually ?
If he got a chance to go back to Jieun will he go?
Is he the obstacle on their way ?"

Without his consent a tear roll down his cheeks. He covered himself with the blancket he brought and closed his eyes comforting himself as may be they did it for Hiro and Jungkook will tell him this tomorrow.


He killed me with just these photos...😫


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Breathing Flowers || Taekook || Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang