|| Chapter - 5 ||

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Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different.

-Park Y/n

Y/n was reading a book when she got a Call from Lisa.

Lisa : "You are back and you did not even tell me, you bitch!" She complained.

Y/N : "I am so sorry Lisa , I uh-... " I could't come up with an excuse as I ran a hand down my Hairs. I hated lying to anyone and my heart weighed down as the words escaped my lips.

Lisa : "It's okay Y/nieee , I am just messing with you," She hummed out and I sighed in relief.

Y/n : " I'm Really Sorry Lisa, what can i do to make it Upto you? " I asked knowing she is waiting for this question to Come out from my mouth.

Lisa : " Now We are talking. why don't we both meet tonight? It's been so fucking long since I last saw you, I think I don't even remember how you look now! Seven fucking years? Are you like old and all wrinkly now?" She said, making me let out a laugh.

Y/N : "Why not? But please we are not going to a clu-" I started, already knowing what kind of a Adventure she would have in store for me. She instantly cut me off, her shrill voice cutting me off.

Lisa : "We are going clubbing!" she shouted

Y/N : "No. We are not..." I shivered as I remembered.

one time, I went to a club with her. The night had started off young, with the two of us walking in with fake Id's that she had somehow hooked us up with and had ended with the two of us getting wasted.
She had dissipated into the crowd, leaving me alone to have a little one night stand with someone while I had had to call my furious Big Brother dearest to come to my rescue from the club at two in the morning. Needless to say, the night had progressed into a whole another nightmare when I had puked all over my Brother's car, earning me a One week of his anger. he had turned a deaf ear to my pleas for forgiveness for a while.

Lisa : "First, you didn't tell me you are back and now you refuse to hang out with me. This is the least you can do to make it up to me, Miss.Park Y/N. " She guilt tripped me, knowing that she would be successful at convincing me.

Y/N : "Okay, fine. We will go to that one bar you took me years ago, it was Quite and calm, what was it called again Rando something -" I gave in to avoid an argument that I was going to lose anyway.

Lisa : "Fuck no, that place is so boring that even old people don't go there anymore. I would rather be on the Streets And I think they shut it down last Year, anyway. I know another hip and totally new place called ' Stigma ' where someone I know could get us in early without Any hassle ."

Y/N : " Okay, See you in two Hours then. "

After Finishing the call, I started to get ready.

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