Chapter 24

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Isla laughed at the TV. The show they were watching was so funny.

She was laying across Aedric's lap. She had eaten a lot of pizza, and now she was warm and happy.

Aedric played with her hair, keeping it away from the nape of her neck. She had kicked away the soft blanket she had been using.

"You're so cute," Aedric whispered, kissing her cheek.

"I should've considered how much of a lightweight she would be," Sierra said apologetically.

"I'm fine," Isla said, waving her off. "I'm not drunk."

"No?" Sierra giggled. "Wait until you stand up."

Aedric wasn't too pressed about it. Isla wasn't anything more than tipsy, and he enjoyed seeing her more carefree side that she kept guarded.

The episode wrapped up, making it the last one in the season. It was nearly one in the morning. Aedric and Caleb had already cleaned up the kitchen, and now it seemed everyone was ready for bed.

"Come on, princess," he encouraged, helping Isla sit up. He stood up first, helping her stand next.

"Yikes," she mumbled, clutching her forehead. She wobbled a bit. He gripped her arms gently until she steadied.

"Let me get her some painkillers for that," Sierra offered, disappearing to the kitchen for a second. She handed the bottle to Aedric. "Are you going to spend the night?"

"I might," he said. He wanted to keep an eye on Isla if she was okay with it.

"Alright, there's blankets in that closet if you need them. We'll see you in the morning. Good night," Sierra said, following Caleb down the hallway.

"I think Sierra was right," Isla mumbled as Aedric moved them slowly to her room.

"Was it fun though?" he asked.

She brightened a bit, for whatever reason. "That show was so funny."

"It was," he agreed.

"I think you're funny," she added.


Isla laughed. "Yes. You always make me smile, so that must mean you're funny."

He sat Isla on her bed, happy she was already in pajamas.

"You always make me smile too," he agreed. "Stay right there. I'm going to get you some water."

Aedric went to the kitchen. Isla was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when he got back.

"Didn't I tell you to stay put?" he teased.

Isla smiled, spitting into the sink. "Can't go to sleep without brushing, silly."

She moved back to her bed, drinking the full glass of water he had brought. She hiccupped quite adorably.

She patted the space next to her. "Stay?"

"I don't think so, Isla. I'll be on the couch if you need me," he said, pulling the blankets up around her. She settled.

"What? But I like you," she protested. He could tell her eyes were getting heavy.

"I like you, too, a lot," he confirmed, leaning down to give her a gentle kiss. "Get some sleep."


Isla woke up with a thumping headache, and a bellyache. She suddenly regretted all decisions to be adventurous the night before. She didn't even drink that much. She didn't know how people did it routinely.

Aedric must've refilled her water, and kindly left some painkillers that she swallowed down.

She freshened up in the bathroom, draping her favorite blanket over her shoulders like a cape, and venturing out to find her boyfriend.

Aedric was asleep on her couch. He was all stretched out like a starfish. She giggled, going to him. She climbed on top of him, settling on his chest.

He moved, wrapping his arms around her tight.

"Isla," he mumbled, his eyes fluttering.

"It's early," she whispered. "Go back to sleep."

His eyes closed, and she rested her head on his shoulder. The medicine kicked in enough to where she was able to doze off again.


Aedric shuffled a bit, waking Isla up in the process.

"Sorry, baby," he mumbled, his voice deep from sleep.

She hummed, opening her eyes. He smoothed the stray pieces of hair out of her face.

"Go back to sleep," he encouraged.

Isla yawned, and stretched. "I'm awake."

Aedric chuckled. "How do you feel?"

"I'm okay," she said, moving off of him. "Hopefully didn't say anything too stupid."

"No," he confirmed, sitting up. He yawned. "Just ate your body weight in pizza, and laughed a lot. It was cute."

"I don't know how drinking is an enjoyable activity," she mumbled, feeling the dull headache underneath her fingertips.

Aedric gave another gentle laugh. "It's fun in the moment. You were having a good time last night."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Thank you for staying with me."

"Anytime, baby. That's why I'm here."

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