Chapter 15

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Isla was avoiding Aedric. She found the whole situation to be a bit embarrassing. She didn't like the accusations she had made, and she didn't know what to say or do to fix it.

She was hoping he would call or text but he didn't. It had been totally radio silent, and she considered the idea that maybe he didn't ever want to hear from her again.

Work was busy though, and she threw herself into it to avoid thinking about him, but she really did miss him.

Isla was usually the first one home. Angela watched Callie during the day, so Isla took over until Sierra got home. Isla really enjoyed that hour or so that she got alone with the baby. It was fulfilling. It felt like her life had a purpose for the first time ever. Sierra and Callie, even Caleb - they would do anything for her, and they thought highly of her.

It felt good to actually know that because she always had her doubts.

"She's a little more fussy today. I feel like she might be coming down with something, but there's no fever," Angela said, collecting her things. Callie was amongst a pile of toys on the floor.

"Is it her teeth?" Isla asked.

"It might be. Although, I haven't seen her chewing on anything, not even her fingers. I already let Sierra know."

"Okay," Isla nodded. "Have a good night."

Angela wished her the same.

Isla took a seat on the floor with Callie, watching her play with her toys.

"Hey," Sierra called. Callie immediately lit up at the sound of her mom's voice. "There's my girl."

Sierra scooped her up, and Callie giggled adorably at the attention.

"You look like you might fall asleep," Sierra said to Isla.

She shrugged. "It's been a long week."

"Have you talked to you-know-who?"


"Don't Sierra me. You need to. I know it's bothering you, and you shouldn't leave it unresolved."

Isla stood up, stretching a bit. "I know I hurt him. I think I overreacted, and-"

"Isla, you're overthinking all of this. Aedric understands what we told you came totally out of left field, and you were bound to have some kind of negative reaction."

"I wanted him to kiss me," she admitted with a mumble. "And he didn't."

"Oh," Sierra cooed. "He wanted to explain first, right? Is that why he didn't? Come on, that's a little sweet."

"I guess," Isla said, pulling the clip from her hair to let it down. "It was just - that night ended badly too. I don't feel like I can do anything right."

"I think you are expecting perfection, but that's not real. Things happen. Caleb took me to this seafood place on our first date not knowing I'm allergic."

Isla muffled her laugh with her hand. Sierra laughed a bit too.

"It turned out fine. Mistakes happen. Things will be said. You just need to figure out a good balance."

"Thanks," she said sincerely. She yawned. "I'm going to go to bed early."

"And you're going to cal Aedric."

Isla gave her a look, but Sierra matched it with an even more intimidating mom look.

"If you don't, I'll just invite him over for dinner tomorrow."

"I'll just lock the door," Isla played along.

"I'll have Caleb take the door off," Sierra laughed. "All of them."

"Wow," she shook her head. "That's low. That's like teenager in trouble low. You better be good, Callie, or your mom is going to take all of the doors off in this house."

Callie grinned.

"I won't actually invite him, not unless you want me to intervene," Sierra said, setting Callie said. "Try to get some sleep."

Isla said good night to them both, going to her room. She put on her pajamas and sat on her couch, pulling a blanket up to her chin.

She considered calling Aedric. Her thumb hovered over the green button. She thought about what Sierra said. She really didn't want things to end on bad terms. The worst thing that could happen was he doesn't answer.

Except he did, on the second ring.

"Hey," he said. His deep voice was warm and familiar, and caused an unexpected rise of emotions.

"Hi," she mumbled, feeling her throat tightened. She had missed him.

It was quiet for a moment as he shuffled.

"How was your day, Isla?"

"It was okay.. it was busy," she offered hesitantly. She scrunched her blanket in her fists.

"Mine too," he said back.

She fidgeted for a second before speaking.

"I'm sorry for Friday. I got caught off guard, and-"

"You don't have to explain," he said. "I didn't want to tell you anything until you trusted me, and then there was Sierra." He sighed gently. "There was never going to be a good time."

She stayed quiet, and he continued.

"I guess you never did actually trust me though, did you?" The words were soft, and it was obvious that he was hurt.

"I did," she said quickly before correcting herself. "I do. I was put on the spot, and I was hurt from our date a few nights before."

"I understand. I could have handled things differently," he admitted. "But I don't see this to work."

"What?" she whispered, feeling her heart sink into her feet.

"You're right. It's not fair for me to trap you, not when you're just now getting on your feet."

"Aedric, no," she cried, muffling the sound with her blanket. "I don't want that. I want you. I want to get to know you."

He had hung up. She sobbed painfully. Everything hurt.

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