Chapter 4

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Sierra's new home was stunning.
It was modern and bright, large and open. To Isla, it felt like a fairytale.

"I can't believe this is the first time I'm seeing it in person," Sierra giggled, turning to Caleb. "You did good, baby."

Caleb rolled his eyes playfully. "As if you didn't agonize over endless video calls while I was here." He leaned down to give her a kiss and Isla turned away.

"Getting all new furniture will not be fun," Sierra said with a sigh. "Our apartment furniture was way too small for this space."

"Our bedroom set will work, and so will Callie's. We will just need furniture for the living room," Caleb said.

"And a dining room table, and the kitchen nook, and a washer and dryer," Sierra teased.

Sierra turned to Isla. "Although, the couch from our apartment should be the perfect size for your space."

Isla trailed behind Sierra to a door right across from the garage.

She really didn't have any expectations when it came to an in-law suite. Quite frankly, she had no idea that was even a thing, but she was unprepared for the space in front of her.

It was a good-sized empty room with a small kitchen tucked away in the corner. It had a fridge and an oven, stove top, and even a little sink. It wasn't big; she and Sierra would be bumping into each other if they both were in the space, but it was perfect.

Attached to it was her bedroom. It was small and cozy, with a full bathroom and a walk-in closet. It was more space than she would know what to do with.

"I was right. That couch will fit perfectly in here," Sierra said. "Caleb and I can get you a bed in no time."

"I can get a bed," Isla told her softly, turning to face her. She felt the familiar rise of emotions that followed when she was overwhelmed. "Thank you for this."

"You're welcome," Sierra gave a bright smile. "I'm glad that you're here."

Isla helped Sierra and Caleb unload their car as best she could. Most of their stuff was with the movers who weren't expected to come until tomorrow, but they had kept most of their essentials.

They had ordered pizza, and let Callie crawl around. The baby was just as eager to stretch as they were.

Isla had never felt so included before, but it still felt intrusive. She would never want to put them out.

"Sierra said you had a job interview?" Caleb asked, leaning back on his palms, his legs stretched out in front of him.

Isla nodded, "Just a phone interview tomorrow."

"It's going to be great," Sierra smiled, scooting closer to Caleb, who rubbed her back. "Caleb and I both start our new jobs tomorrow. We really did get down to the wire." She laughed.

"Mom called us like three times in the car today," Sierra told Caleb. "She can't wait to come see us. I told her Tuesday. Hopefully we will have some more furniture by then."

Caleb nodded. "I can't wait. I know how much you've missed her."

"Her and Aedric. I've missed them both so much."

She smiled at Isla, explaining, "Aedric is my brother. I'll give you a heads-up when they decide to come over, but you are welcome to join us, if you would like."

Isla nodded like she would consider it, but she wouldn't. There was no way she could intrude on a family dinner.

Later, Sierra helped her pile blankets as a makeshift bed on the floor.

"Tomorrow, after I get off work, let's go out and at least get you a mattress," she said, scooting close to Isla.

"Hopefully, if the couch comes, I can just order one. Could we even get a mattress in your mini van?"

Sierra giggled. "Caleb has a truck. He left it when he came through last week, and caught a flight back. We knew it would be one less thing to worry about. I hate driving long distances alone, especially with Callie."

Sierra reached up to Isla's face, her fingertips brushing over her bruised cheek and eye. Isla pulled away slightly.

"It looks much better," she whispered.

"No, it looks yellow and gross," Isla whispered back. She looked like a weak little girl who got thrown around, and that's exactly what she was.

Sierra shrugged, "Well, hopefully sleeping on the floor won't hurt your ribs too badly. Do you need more medicine?"

"I'm okay," Isla said.

Sierra stood and stretched. "I'm taking Callie to my mom's tomorrow, but once our house is livable, my mom wants to watch her here."

Isla wished Sierra good luck on her new job, and bid her a good night before she laid down.

She couldn't believe how much her life had flipped around. Sierra and Caleb treated her like a sister, and that was so special and healing. Isla had never felt so safe before.

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