Chapter 12

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Isla had her arm looped with Aedric's, taking a stroll after a great meal at a little Italian place. She had been really nervous. This was her first date ever, and she felt totally out of place at first, but Aedric was great at making her feel like she belonged. She had never felt that way before.

"You know all of the best places," she said absentmindedly.

"I'd be happy to show you every single one of my favorites," he said. "Tonight was fun. Was it okay?"

"It was great," she said as they arrived to his car. He held open the door for her, and she climbed in. She waited until he got in to speak. "I'd like to do it again, but I want to pick the next one."

"Yeah?" he grinned. "Alright, deal. You pick the next date."

It was quiet as he drove. Music played softly, and Isla took a moment to enjoy the happiness she felt. It was nice to feel comfortable with another person other than Sierra. It made her feel less broken.

The air seemed to shift. She could feel him glance at her every so often. Everytime she looked over, he looked away. There was a gentle flutter in her stomach. This wasn't nerves, this was different.

It didn't take long for Aedric to pull up in front of her house. She turned to him.

"Thank you for a great night," she said softly.

"You're welcome," he said back, his undivided attention casting on her. They were so close. She could feel his breath as he spoke, and she realized what a lovely shade his eyes were in the inconsistent glow of the lamp outside of the garage.

He leaned forward, and her eyes shut in anticipation. She was hoping he would kiss her, but he didn't.

She straightened, giving him a confused look.

"I can't," he said, seeming to be struggling with something, but offering her no further explanation.

"Oh," she whispered. A sinking feeling tore at her stomach, killing all of the butterflies she felt. She felt foolish, and she reached for the door. She was hoping he would say something else, but he stayed put.

She went into the house alone, and straight into her room.

The tears were immediate and frustrating. There had to be something wrong with her. She had to have done something wrong. 

She shedded her dress, putting on her pajamas and scrubbing her face before dropping miserably onto her bed. Her phone rang immediately, and she hesitated to pick it up when she saw Aedric's name.

"Isla," his deep voice soothed. She could tell he was still in the car. "I don't want you to be upset. I shouldn't have let our great night end that way, and I'm sorry."

"What happened?" she whispered pitifully. "I thought you liked me."

"I do, princess," he said softly. The pet name came as a surprise to her. "I like you a lot  I just want to talk to you about something first, that's all."

"Why didn't we talk tonight?" she asked, confused.

"I know we both have a busy week," he sighed, but she knew it was just an excuse.

"Aedric," she mumbled. "If you don't want to see me anymore, just say so."

"How about I drop by Friday after work? We can talk things through?"

She hummed as a confirmation, still feeling the pressure of tears. She didn't know what they had to talk about. It was pretty obvious that she had ruined everything tonight.

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