Chapter 11

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"That looks great, Isla," Aedric encouraged as she took another swing at the punching bag.

She had finally gotten her cast off, and true to his word, Aedric was showing her a few things at his gym. She couldn't feel much of the impact with the large boxing gloves, but her wrist still felt a bit sore from lack of use.

"We shouldn't overdo it today," he said. "You might have to apply ice to that wrist, especially if it starts to swell."

"Okay," she nodded. She glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Come on," he said. "You can get ready for work in the bathroom in my office, and then we can grab a coffee when I walk you over."

She followed behind him, and he held the door open for.

"There's a shower in there if you want to use it. Let me know if you need anything," he said, taking a seat at his desk.

She picked up the bag she had brought in with her, and ventured into the very nice bathroom.

She did feel like doing a quick shower since she was a little sweaty. The shower was really nice and spacious, and the soap smelled like Aedric. She liked that. It was comforting. 

She put on her dress clothes, running a brush through her damp hair.

Aedric was on the phone when she stepped out. He looked up at her, his eyes going from her head to her toes. She blushed from his blatant staring.

She waited patiently for him to finish his phone call, and he didn't take long to wrap up. He stood to his towering height, rounding the front of his desk.

"You look beautiful," he said. He was always so sincere and sweet. He took her bag from her hands. "Let me buy you a coffee."

She agreed, following him out onto the street.

"I'm going to take a guess and say your order is chai," Aedric said as they got in line at a cute little shop.

Isla laughed a little. "You're right, and I'm guessing your order is a black coffee."

"Not always," he defended. "I like Americano or iced coffee occasionally."

"Still black though," she quipped with a smile. 

Aedric scoffed playfully, and soon it was their turn to order.

It went by too fast. Soon, he was walking her down to the law firm she worked at.

"Seeing you this morning was a great way to start the day," he said, lips quirking up.

"I had fun," Isla said, a bit sad to see him go.

It was silent for a moment, broken by Aedric taking a few steps back. "I hope you have a great day. You know, you can text or call me anytime."

He turned to go, but she stopped him.

"Wait," she called. He turned, giving her such a tender look that she felt like she was going to melt in her shoes. "Maybe we could try that date again."

"Okay," he nodded. "How's Wednesday?"

She agreed, feeling giddy and happy.


It didn't take long for Monday to become Wednesday. Sierra was sitting on Isla's bed as she went through her closet. Callie was also on the bed with a few toys she mostly put her mouth on.

"Isla, nothing is going to magically appear," Sierra said.

"I know," Isla mumbled. "He said it's just dinner, but I don't want to be underdressed."

She held out a dress, one of the only ones she had. It was black wrap style with bubbly sleeves, and hit her modestly above her knee.

"Do you have a jacket I could borrow with this?"

Sierra nodded, "And I think it will be perfect. Come sit with Callie."

Isla did as she was told, taking in deep, nervous breaths. She had hung out with Aedric twice now. She didn't know why calling it a date changed things so much for her.

Sierra came back with a suede jacket that was a pretty pink color.

"Aedric is on his way," she said. "How do you feel?"

Isla shrugged, "Better than last time, but still very nervous."

"Once you're with Aedric, it will go away. I think it's the anticipation that's bothering you so much."

Sierra gathered Callie, leaving Isla to finish getting ready.


"Look at you," Sierra smiled as Isla found her in the kitchen. "You look hot."

"Is it too much?" Isla asked.

"Not one bit," Sierra said, turning back to the onion she was chopping. "Do you need to take a shot? You look like you might pass out."

Isla laughed, "I think I'll pass on that."

Caleb came through the garage with Aedric on his tail.

"I found a very well dressed man on our doorstep, honey," Caleb yelled to Sierra. "Think he might be lost."

Sierra and Isla both giggled.

"Wow," Aedric grinned. "You look incredible."

"Thanks," she blushed. "So do you."

"I just want to see Callie before we go," he said. Isla followed him to the living room and he pulled the baby out of her play pen. Callie gave him a gummy smile, just as happy to see him as he was her.

"Look at you, Callie Cat," Aedric cooed. "You get bigger every time I see you."

Caleb reached for her, and Aedric passed her over.

"Have fun, guys," Sierra smiled.

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