Chapter 10

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Aedric handed Isla into his nice car like she was the most precious thing. She felt the heat travel up her neck into her cheeks.

"Grocery store or take-out?" he asked.

She gave a gentle shrug, "I wouldn't mind cooking." 

"Okay," he confirmed with a handsome smile. He was good at filling in the silence. He talked about work, and some classes he taught the night before.

Isla had a good recipe in mind, and Aedric pushed the cart as they walked side by side in the store.

"I'm making dessert if you've got that covered," he said, leading them down the aisle with all of the boxed mixes. "Let me guess. You're more of a cookie gal."

She felt her lips turn up naturally, and it was a relief after her episode earlier. She shook her head. "Brownies."

"Damn," he shook his head too, opting for the brookie mix. "I like chocolate chip cookies, so I guess we will have to compromise."

He also threw in a bunch of candy and junk food which surprised her. He was so fit and health conscious. She didn't expect that side of him.

They checked out. He refused to let her pay for anything, which was really sweet. She was looking forward to spending the evening with him, and she was happy that things worked out the way they did.

"I should've known that you were a great cook by that amazing chocolate cake you made," he said. He was watching her in her little kitchen as she pulled together the things for her pasta dish.

Isla smiled. "I've learned a lot from Sierra recently."

"We both use to fight for the one stool in the kitchen to watch our mom cook," he said, taking a sip of his drink. His jacket had been shedded, and his sleeves were pushed up as he leaned his forearms on the counter.

He shifted his attention from her to the brookie box in front of him. "I bet we can borrow Sierra's oven for this since the chicken will be in yours and there won't be much room for anything else."

She agreed, pulling down two mixing bowls and all of the other items he would need.

They talked a lot, rather Aedric did. He asked lots of questions, about hobbies and foods and colors. Isla didn't know much about the books and movies he was into, but he made a list on his phone of the ones that interested her.

It wasn't long before they were sitting on her couch with bowls of lemon chicken pasta. He flipped on a show he thought she would like. It was a sitcom, and it was pretty funny. Isla found herself enjoying the company even more with the low pressure environment they had set up.

"That was amazing," Aedric said, giving a content sigh as he set down his bowl.

"Thanks," she said. "I'm glad this worked out. I know it probably wasn't what you had in mind."

The look he gave her was nothing but sincere and gentle. "Isla, I just wanted to get to know you. It's been great, better than I could ever imagine."

"Knock knock," Sierra yelled, pushing the door open quite loudly. "You almost burnt the house down, Aedric."

"Oh, shit," Aedric laughed, taking the hot dessert from her hands. He turned to Isla. "I totally forgot about the brookie in the oven out there."

"Yeah, that's why you owe us one," Caleb said, entering the room with plates and forks and two beers. "We're crashing your date." He set everything down, using a bottle opener to open the drinks, handing one to Aedric.

"You don't mind, do you?" Sierra asked sincerely.

"Not one bit," Isla said back, and she meant it. "There's leftover pasta over there if you guys want it."

"Nice," Sierra grinned. She and Caleb looked exhausted, and Isla knew they needed some time away from their parental duties. "I'm going to grab my glass and the baby monitor. Do you want a drink, Isla? I just opened a bottle of wine."

"I'm okay," she said.

Aedric leaned close. Isla felt her breath hitch at the proximity. "Does it bother you?" he asked, referring to his own drink.

"No," she answered, hoping she didn't seem breathless. Judging by his little smirk, she knew it was unsuccessful.

"Isla's never seen this show," Aedric said, moving the conversation to Caleb who had taken a seat on the floor. He had stretched out, looking like he might fall asleep at any second.

"Really?" Sierra said as she came back through. "We loved staying up to watch it with mom growing up." She moved to the kitchen, fixing herself and Caleb a plate. She nudged her husband awake with her foot. "Here, baby."

"Rough night?" Aedric asked, hiding a short chuckle behind the bottle as he took a drink. He stretched out his arm over the couch, his fingers gently grazing Isla's shoulder.

"You have no idea," Caleb groaned.

"Your niece was not going down without a fight. There was food and shit everywhere," Sierra mused, leaning her back again the coffee table.

Isla tried to muffle her own laugh. "We would have come to help you."

Sierra shrugged, turning to Caleb. "I bet Callie would've fallen right to sleep for her."

"No doubt," he agreed.

Isla leaned forward, dishing out the ooey gooey brownie mixture and passing it to Aedric who thanked her.

"This isn't burnt," Aedric told Sierra.

"I said almost," she corrected.

Isla caught Aedric's eye, but he was already watching her. She felt the familiar heat in her cheeks. She couldn't have imagined a better end to the night.

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