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"Yeah, I'm good," Roman says to himself as he nods his head

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"Yeah, I'm good," Roman says to himself as he nods his head. "From the streets. You know what I'm saying? It's nothing." A little turbulence shakes the plane that is holding the team's cars that they are each currently in.
"Hey, Roman, you're freaking out, ain't you?" Tej asks over the walkie.
"No," Roman quickly answers him back.
"Yeah, you are," Hannah argues with him.
"I said no," Roman argues back, Jameson smiles and shakes his head.
"Listen, man, it takes a grown man to embrace his feelings," Tej explains to him as he teases him. "If you need to cry, just go ahead and cry." Brian, Hannah, and Letty laugh. "As your friend, you know I'm concerned about your well-being, which is why I took the precaution of putting some adult diapers in your glove compartment."
"Yo, can you just chill out, man?" Roman asks him while Hannah and Letty laugh again.

"I have seen some crazy shit, James, but this really could make some waves," Mr Nobody says over the comms from the base. "So let's try to keep it as low-key as possible, huh?"
"Don't I always?" Jameson asks him causing Brian and Dom to smile.
"I'll tell you what, you knock it down a couple of notches this time and I'll swap out my Belgian for a keg of Corona," Mr Nobody proposes.
"You'd be doing yourself a favor, there," Jameson tells him with a smile.
"He ain't wrong," Letty says to herself.

"Can somebody just walk me through what we're supposed to be doing?" Roman asks them as he really begins to panic.
"Come on, Rome, this is your plan. You gotta embrace it," Brian answers him, trying to calm him down by hyping him up.
"No, this was not my plan," Roman argues with him. An alarm goes off before the cargo hold begins to open.
"Oh, yeah, here we go. Game time," Letty says excitedly causing Jameson to smile before everyone starts their vehicle.
"Roman, you need some fresh air?" Tej asks him jokingly while Roman starts to pray. "Because you about to get a whole lot of it."
"Okay, here we go!" Jameson announces before reversing out of the plane.
"Just when you didn't think it could get any better, huh?" Brian asks excitedly before he reverses out of the plane followed by Dom with Hannah. "Oh, shit!" Letty reverses out of the plane followed by Tej. "Yeah! Now we're moving." Brian picks up his walkie. "Everybody good? Everybody make it out?"
"You just need to tell them that this is not for you!" Roman tells himself. "This is not your mission!"
"Hey, Rome? Hey, what's up, man? Talk to me, come on," Hannah says over the walkie when she doesn't see his car.
"I can't do it," Roman answers her.
"The hell you can't!" Brian argues with him. "Come on, man! You throw that thing in reverse and get your ass out here now!"
"Look, I can't do it, okay? Listen to what I'm saying," Roman explains to him.
"Now isn't the time!" Dom argues with him.
"I'ma stay up here with the pilot," Roman tells them. "We gonna circle around and make sure we holding it down from up here!"
"You're running out of time!" Letty informs him with an eye roll. "The chute is guided by GPS! You don't have to do anything!"
"Tej!" Jameson orders.
"I'm already on it," Tej tells him.
"Hey, man, listen," Roman says with a sigh. "I'm sorry to let y'all down, okay? I'ma go ahead and stay up here."
"No, brother," Tej tells him with a smirk. "I'm sorry to let you down."
"What?" Roman asks him as Tej pushes a button that ejects Roman's parachute. "What do you mean you're..." Roman hits his brakes as the car starts to roll towards the door. "Tej! What are you doing?" Roman's car is pulled out of the plane. "Oh, shit! Tej! I hate you, Tej!"
"Get ready!" Brian orders everyone as they near the ground. "Ground's coming fast!" Jameson, Brian, Dom, Letty, and Tej release their parachutes. As they get close to the ground they release from the parachutes.

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