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"Hey, yo, Sean!" Twinkie yells as he walks over to Sean. "Hey, check this out, man. This guy over here wants to race the new DK."
"Not tonight, Twinkie," Sean says with a smile.
"Said he knew Han and Gisele. He said they were family," Twinkie adds with a sad face.
"All right, let's race," Sean agrees before he pulls up beside Jameson at the starting line. "Nice ride."
"I won it from our friend Han, a few years ago," Jameson tells him with a smirk.
"I didn't know he was into American Muscle. Was Gisele into American Muscle, too?" Sean says with a smile.
"They both were when they were rolling with me," Jameson explains to him.
"You know this ain't no ten second race?" Sean asks him with a smirk.
"I got nothing but time," Jameson answers him with a smirk as he cranks his car. "You ready, kid?" Sean's girlfriend walks between the two cars before pointing to a girl on the right.
"Ready!" The girl on the right says. Sean's girlfriend points to the girl on the left.
"Seto!" The girl on the left says.
"Go!" Sean's girlfriend yells before they take off. Jameson wins the race before he and Sean find a place to talk.
"Han and Gisele said you was fast, but not that damn fast," Sean says as he shakes his head in amazement.
"Who said American Muscle can't drift?" Jameson asks with a smirk.
"Han and Gisele mentioned that they left their enemies in their rear view," Sean says as he looks at Jameson with a frown. "They never talked about it much."
"Always playing it close to the vest," Jameson says with a nod as he looks down.
"We found a couple things by the crash," Sean says as he pulls out a bag. "Wasn't much left." Sean hands a smaller bag to Jameson, which contains a picture of the team at the Toretto household after they had rescued Mia and returned home with Letty and Hannah.
"Their family," Jameson says with a shake of his head as he takes the picture before he sits on his hood.
"Oh, yeah," Sean says as he looks in the bag. "There's one more thing. I found this." Sean hands a necklace to Jameson before he realizes that it's his necklace. "Must have meant something to them. When you find the guy that killed Han and Gisele, what are you going to do?"
"Words ain't even been invented yet," Jameson answers him as he holds up the necklace.


Letty pulls up in front of a building with CLINICA DE MEDICINA on the sign out front. Letty and Hannah walk in as Letty remembers the place. Hannah had been getting her memories back and wanted to help Letty get her memories back. "I'm very sorry ma'am," A nurse says in Spanish as she talks to Letty. "There is just no record of Leticia Ortiz."
"But I'm sure I was kept here!" Letty tells the nurse in Spanish as she grows frustrated.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you," The nurse tells her in Spanish before she starts walking away. "I wish I could help you." The doors beside Letty bust open as the EMS bring in a patient, causing Letty to remember when she was brought in.

"Help! Help!" Gisele calls as she drags Letty through the doors with Hannah stumbling behind them. "Help! I need a doctor please."
"What happened to them?" A doctor asks as he helps pick Letty up onto a hospital bed.
"A car accident," Gisele answers him as she catches Hannah before they put Hannah on a bed as well. "I found them on the side of the road."
"Why did you save me?" Letty asks as the doctor, a nurse, and Gisele wheel her down the hall.
"Maybe you're the one saving me," Gisele answers her before the nurse tells her she has to stay back. The doctor shines a light in Letty's eyes as he asks her name in Spanish.
"Miss can you tell me your name?" The doctor asks her in English.

"Are you alright?" The nurse from the memory asks Letty in Spanish.
"Yes. Thank you," Letty answers her in Spanish before walking towards the exit with Hannah.
"Excuse me, ma'am," The nurse says in English as she recognizes Letty. "I remember you both. I was the one that admitted you both when you were brought in. The injuries you had, I've never seen anyone fight the way you did." Letty walks towards the nurse. "Listen, if you leave me your number, I'll look around for your records. They could have been warehoused or miss filed. And if something comes up I will call you."
"You would do that?" Letty asks her slightly shocked.
"After everything you have been through, if you want answers you deserve to have them," The nurse tells her with a small smile.
"Thank you," Letty tells the nurse before leaving the nurse her number.

"Thank you," Letty tells the nurse before leaving the nurse her number

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Brian stands beside Tej and Roman as Jameson and Dom walk up to Han's and Gisele's caskets. "They says to live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die," Jameson says as he places a photo of the team with Letty and Hannah on both of their caskets.
"But he put you two in these graves. So now I'll do the same to him," Dom says before he touches his head and chest in a cross motion.
"I can't do no more funerals," Roman says as he, Brian, and Tej watch.
"First Han and Gisele. Now Hobbs is laid up, of all people," Tej says as he shakes his head. "We're being hunted." Jameson notices a car slowly drive through the cemetery as Dom walks over to the others. "You know he's out there somewhere watching, right?"
"I hope so," Dom says in agreement. "Means he's close."
"Just promise me, Brian," Roman says as he looks at him. "No more funerals."
"Just one more," Brian says as Jameson starts walking over to his car. "His." Jameson takes off chasing the car out of the cemetery. They weave in and out of traffic before going into a underground parking area. They rev their engines until their tires start to spin out. Jameson takes off towards Deckard before they collide. Deckard pops his neck, taking a deep breath before getting out of his car. Jameson crawls out of the passenger side of his car while he pulls out a sledgehammer.
"You never should have messed with a man's family," Deckard says as he glares at Jameson.
"I told your brother the same thing," Jameson says as he pops his shoulder. "Reinforced your chassis. It's like going into a ring with weighted gloves."
"Your mistake," Deckard interrupts him as he continues to glare. "I'm not here to play games. See, you and me, we're from different worlds. Trust me, I've seen a lot meaner streets than the ones you're used to."
"Stick around," Jameson tells him with a smirk. "It's gonna get a lot meaner."
"You thought this was gonna be a street fight?" Deckard asks him as he pulls his gun on Jameson. Gunfire starts raining towards Deckard before men drop down from ropes causing Deckard to run. Cars pull in surrounding Jameson.
"On the ground," A soldier orders as he rushes over to Jameson. "Now!" Jameson hits the soldier in the stomach with the sledgehammer before knocking another soldier's gun out of the way, putting the soldier in a headlock.
"Whoa, whoa. Easy, guys," A man in a suit says as he walks over. "We're on the same team here. Mr Toretto, I'm here on the recommendation of a mutual friend of ours. Mr Hobbs."
"Who the hell are you?" Jameson asks him with an arched eyebrow.
"Me? I'm just a guy," The man answers him with a shrug. "I'm Mr Nobody."
"That's a big entrance for a nobody," Jameson states with a glare. "And the guy that put our mutual friend in the hospital? You just let him get away."
"I think I might have just saved your ass there, James," Mr Nobody says with a smirk causing Jameson to tighten his hold on the soldier. "Listen, you think you could let go of my guy there? He's beginning to turn a little blue." Jameson shoves the soldier to the ground. "I appreciate that." Police sirens can be heard. "Ah, here they come. Listen, James. There's a war going on between shadows and ghosts like me. You and your team unwittingly walked into the middle of it in London and it appears it's now followed you home. It's up to you. I'm gonna have a beer. You're welcome to join me. By the way, I can get you Deckard Shaw."

Letty is on her way to the Toretto household when her phone starts ringing. "Hello," Letty says when she answers the phone.
"Hello, Letty. This is da Santos," The nurse from Mexico says. "We spoke at the medical clinic."
"Yes," Letty says.
"I just wanted to let you know that I think I was able to find your records," The nurse says as she looks at the file. "The problem was that you were listed under a different name. It wasn't Letty Ortiz. It was Letty Toretto." Letty is shocked by the news. "Letty, are you still there." Letty hangs up the phone as she tries to process everything while trying to remember.

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