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They arrive back at the Toretto household to find an after party in full swing, which causes Jameson to roll his eyes

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They arrive back at the Toretto household to find an after party in full swing, which causes Jameson to roll his eyes.
"Take care," Brian calls as Jameson and Dom start making their way up to the house. Jameson and Dom share a look as they make it to the porch.
"Yo, Spilner," Jameson calls causing the blonde to look at the twins.
"You want a beer?" Dom asks him.
"Sure," Brian says as Jameson disappears inside. Dom walks in behind him and they stop as they notice Vince playing guitar, Letty and Hannah playing a video game, and Leon with a girl in his lap, all without a care in the world as to where the twins had been. Leon freezes as he sees the twins before Jameson starts making his way over to Leon, causing Letty and Hannah to look up at Jameson and Dom.
"Yo, Dom, James," Leon says quickly before Jameson knocks his beer out of his hand. Jameson starts making his way over to with Dom right behind him.
"Where were you?" Jameson asks Vince as he sets the guitar to the side.
"There were mass of cops there. They came from every direction. That shit was orchestrated," Vince answers him causing him to roll his eyes once again.
"This your beer?" Dom asks as he grabs the beer in front of Vince.
"Yeah, that's my beer," Vince answers before Dom and Jameson head to grab another beer. Jameson notices Jesse making out with a girl causing him to smirk.
"Yo, Einstein. Take it upstairs. You can't detail a car with the cover on," Jameson says before following Dom towards the door.
"You both alright?" Hannah asks as they go to pass her and Letty.
"Am I alright?" Dom asks her sarcastically causing Jameson to elbow his brother.
"It was just a question," Letty retorts as she defends her friend before Jameson notices Brian by the door.
"Yo, Dom, James. Why'd you bring the Buster here?" Vince asks as he looks at Brian confused.
"Because the Buster kept me and Dom out of handcuffs," Jameson yells back causing Vince to shut up. "He didn't just run back to the fort. The Buster brought us back." Jameson and Dom walk over to Brian. "You can have any brew you want, as long as it's a Corona." Dom holds out some beers to Brian before Brian takes a beer causing Jameson to smirk. "That's Vince's so enjoy it." Vince gives the twins a 'really' look before they watch Brian clean the top of the bottle with his shirt then taking a drink.
"Hey, buddy. You got a bathroom?" Brian asks as Vince glares at them.
"Yeah, upstairs. First door on the right," Dom answers him as he smirk at Vince. Brian disappears upstairs as Jameson sits down while Letty makes her way over to him and Hannah goes over to Dom.
"He's got no call being up in here. You don't know that fool for shit, James," Vince tells Jameson as he walks over.
"He's right, James," Leon says in agreement.
"Vince, there was a time when I didn't know you," Jameson argues as he slightly glares at him.
"That was in the third grade!" Vince says ending the conversation.
"Yeah. So, what girls are here?" Dom asks causing Hannah to glare at him.
"You name it. You want mine?" Leon says causing Hannah to slap his arm.
"You need to shut the hell up," Hannah tells him before she walks over to Dom, whispering in his ear.
"I'll see you all in the morning," Dom says with a smirk on his face before he and Hannah head upstairs. Jameson sighs as he looks around at all of the party people in the house, causing him to shake his head before taking a drink of his beer.
"You look a bit tired. I think you should go upstairs and give me a massage," Letty says as she walks over to Jameson, running her hand up Jameson's neck and into his hair.
"Look at all our guests," Jameson says as he motions to the people causing Letty to slightly glare at him.
"How about you give me a massage?" Letty says in a stern voice.
"Yes ma'am," Jameson says with a smirk as he follows after her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. They pass Brian as they start to head upstairs.
"Yo, you know you owe me a 10-second car, right?" Jameson asks Brian with a smile.
"Oh, shit," Letty says with a laugh as Brian nods at Jameson before returning to the party as Jameson and Letty go into her room.

"Oh, shit," Letty says with a laugh as Brian nods at Jameson before returning to the party as Jameson and Letty go into her room

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A few days later, Jameson, Dom, Mia, Letty, Hannah, and Jesse are at the garage. "What about parts and services?" Mia asks Dom as she looks at some paperwork.
"Hold off on it," Dom tells her with a shrug.
"Dom, I don't know what to do with it," Mia says as a tow truck backs up in front of the garage with a totaled car on it.
"All right, what the hell is this?" Jameson says as he, Dom, and Jesse walk over to the door.
"What do you got there?" Dom asks as Brian walks over to them.
"This is his car," Brian answers him with a smile as he motions to Jameson.
"My car?" Jameson asks as Jesse hits the car causing dust to fly. "I said a 10-second car, not a 10-minute car."
"You could push this across the finish line, or tow it," Jesse says causing Dom to nod in agreement.
"You couldn't even tow that across the finish line," Letty adds causing Hannah to give her a high five while Jameson smiles.
"No faith," Brian defends himself.
"I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard. This is a garage," Jameson tells him as he motions around the garage.
"Pop the hood," Brian tells them as he motions to the car.
"Pop the hood?" Dom asks to see if he's for real.
"Pop the hood," Brian answers him with a smile. They get the car off of the tow truck and into the garage.
"2JZ engine. No shit," Jesse says as they take off the hood.
"And what did I tell you?" Brian says with a smirk.
"We retract our previous statements," Jameson says as Dom nods in agreement.
"You know what? This will decimate all after you put about $15,000 in it," Jesse says with an excited smile. "Or more, if we have to overnight parts from Japan."
"We'll put it on our tabs at Harry's," Jameson says as he turns to Brian.
"Yes!" Jesse cheers.
"I gotta get you racing again so I can make some money off your ass," Jameson tells Brian. "There's a show down in the desert called Race Wars. That's where you'll do it. When you're not working at Harry's, you're working here. If you can't find the right tool in this garage, Mr Arizona, you don't belong near a car." They get to work on taking the car apart to see what all parts they are going to need.

The next morning, Jameson, Dom, and Jesse meet Brian at Harry's to pick up the parts that they need

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The next morning, Jameson, Dom, and Jesse meet Brian at Harry's to pick up the parts that they need. Brian, Jameson, Jesse, and Leon take a break from working on the car to eat. Mia, Hannah, and Letty are at the store while Dom is in the office doing paperwork. Jameson and Brian on the hood while Jesse sits on the trunk with Leon sitting on the ground.
"I was five years old while I'm sitting on my father's lap. He's got me propped up and both my hands are on the steering wheel," Jameson explains as he mimics a steering wheel. "And he kept going faster and faster. I remember hearing him laughing. The faster we went, the happier he was."
"How old were you again?" Jesse asks him.
"Five," Jameson answers him.
"My mom taught me how to drive," Leon says as he looks up at them.
"Your mom?" Jameson asks him impressed.
"Yeah, it was right before she left though," Leon explains as he looks down sadly. "You know, hate her for that but can't hate her completely. You know?"
"First time I drove," Brian says as he sets his sandwich to the side. "Was my learners permit. We were on the 40 freeway, my mother and I. The car in front of me locks up it's brakes." Brian makes the sound effects of brakes locking up. "Then boom, someone blew into me from behind. Five car pile up. First time I drove."
"Before my dad went away," Jesse says as he adds his story. "He bought me this '71 Malibu classic. First day I got my license. It was the greatest day. It's also the first day that I had sex." Jesse raises his beer while they all laugh. "I shit you not."
"Something about learning how to drive. You're either a driver or you're not a driver. So, up until the point you start driving is one lifetime and then after you start driving is another lifetime," Jameson explains with a smile as the other guys nod in agreement.

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