Chapter 75: What theme?

Start from the beginning

"You think so? Are you sure? I just didn't want to change from tradition -" Taehyung placed a small kiss on the younger's cheek.

"Traditions change as times change. It's okay, and having another environment for this celebration will be for the better," Taehyung replied, making the younger male calm.

"Now that the first colour has been chosen, we can work out the rest," the planner spoke up as he wrote down the first colour Jeongguk had chosen.

"Could we keep it as a forest theme? There can be whites, but use the forest as a starting point. " Jeongguk looked around at the other colours and designs for the seating.

"Sure, Sire, we can." The planner nodded. "Anything else?"

"Make sure there are dry spots for people too. The river can be unpredictable to those who aren't used to it." Jeongguk nodded. "Could we have someone go and see what time of day would be best? I'll think of something to fit whatever it looks like at a certain time. "

"Yes, Sire, we can get someone to do that,"

"Thank you." Jeongguk smiled.

"Do you have something in mind?" Taehyung asked his lover.

"Maybe, but I don't want to say just yet. It depends on the river's tide," Jeongguk nodded.

"Okay," Taehyung smiled before looking back at the planner. "Is there anything big that needs to be discussed, other than the colours and theme?"

"Yes, there is…" The planner sighed as he lifted another book up from the ground to the table. ".. What would you be wearing?"

"Oh..hmm," Jeongguks eyes fluttered in thought. "I hadn't thought of that.. are there any traditional items we have to wear, or can we plan our own way?" He asked Taehyung as he looked at his fiance.

Taehyung hummed. "As long as we stay within the guidelines of a cape and crowns, it should be okay."

"Yes, it should be," the planner nodded before looking up to the youngest in the room. "Now, what would you be wearing?"

Jeongguk bit his bottom lips softly as he thought about what he would be wearing. "Well, I would like to be wearing green, almost like moss green, my pants and cape should be of that colour… while the shirt can be a loose white one with a pattern of lines…" He hummed in thought.

"Maybe boots as well, but that all depends on how the river is that day." He fiddled with the fabrics in front of him.

"Noted…" The planner wrote down what the younger male said. "About the crown…?"

"It'll be sorted for the day," Taehyung reassured the other. "There are a few things missing for the cleaning of it,"

"Oh no…" Jeongguk muttered. "What happened? Is everything alright?" His eyes were full of concern as he took Taehyung's hand in his own.

"Everything is fine baby, there is just some trouble trying to locate and replace a few jewels that were scratched," Taehyung explained, making the warlock calmer.

"Alright," Jeongguk nodded. "I'm glad it's nothing terribly bad like losing every jewel or the crown breaking." He let out a breath of relief.

"I know it means a lot to you,"

"Thank you." Taehyung smiled.

"Your Highness, what would you be wearing?" The planner asked Taehyung, who looked back at the planner and hummed for a second.

"Make it loose and make it comfortable. The cape can be a dark colour," Taehyung replied. "Would a black be okay? Or maybe a dark green?"

"Black will work fine. It'll be like dark trees." Jeongguk nodded.

"Alright, I think that part of the planning has been sorted…" The planner marked down what the king had said. "Should we go over what type of food should be present or leave it for another day?"

"Can we leave it for another day to think of food that the village would like?" Taehyung suggested. "I want all of them to be able to eat well,"

"Very well," the planner nodded. "You two may go." He waved his hand to dismiss the two.

"Thank you," Taehyung nodded. "See you again soon." He started to walk to the door.

"See you!" Jeongguk smiled as he stood up and followed after the other.

Once they left the throne room and were making their way towards their quarters, the older one of the two looked at the warlock before asking him a question.

"Why did you want the ceremony to be held at your old village?" Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk hesitated for a second, and only a second before speaking up. "I..uh I wanted eomma to see me get married.."

Taehyung didn't know what to say. He was lost for words. "Baby.."

"I didn't want her to miss out on her only son's wedding, you know?" Jeongguk looked at the other. "And I thought it would look nice for the painters,"

"It's perfect," Taehyung smiled. "Also, the golden colour you chose reminds me of your eyes; how pretty they look when you use your magic," the flirtatious comment slipped from his lips.

"T..tae." Jeongguk felt his cheeks heat up. "Stop.. it"

"Never." Taehyung gave a teasing smile.


Hi everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
It's not much, but it's moving the story along more!
There may be one or two more chapters about the preparations, but then there might be filler as well before the wedding day on chapter 82.

If you have ideas for the filler, feel free to suggest some!

I purple you! 💜💜💜💜💜

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now