I wanted to ask for you to meet me outside my lab at 4-

Noticing the message wasn't sent to long ago, you were about to type your reply - which was a yes - before he finished his text.


Your ears tilted in confusion while your eyes widened with shock.

That is...

You glanced up at your clock before finishing your thought.

...only an hour away.

WHAT! Why?

He replied.

You'll see.

Agitated by his secrecy, you typed.

See what, Tails? I ain't coming if you don't tell me.

You both knew that was a dead lie. So he never answered you, he was a genius after all, he knew you would come. With a sigh, you agreed to meet him at 4.

Fine but you better have a cup of (H/D) ready for me

You thought about changing into jeans to look more presentable but stuff it, he want you to be there by 4 in the morning, he can deal with you wearing sweatpants. So, you began the cold morning trek to the fox's lab.

The cool wind pricked at your damp fur, making you shiver. Stuffing your hands in Tails's jumpers pockets, you pulling the hoodie up as you continued to walk. The sun was nowhere to be seen, still slumbering under the horizon. Your ears flattened, the tips numb. Your nose felt frozen, you had to constantly wiggle it to make sure it didn't have plans of falling off. No flickies chirped, no critter rustled in the bushes, all was quite. Normally, you would feel at peace walking through the forest in the early mornings, but this time, you felt uneasy. Like something was watching you. Their eyes never leaving you.


Spinning around, fur raising and hoodie falling off, you looked behind you to find the source of the twig snapping noise. Your ears twitched at the whispering of the leaves, eyes flying left and right, breath puffing white from the winter air. Taking a few steps back, you swore you could see something shine in the darkness of the trees.

But it never moved.

Until you blinked.

It was gone.

Shaking your head, you took it as nothing more than a sign of needed sleep. Flattening your ears, you turned around and briskly walked through the rest of the forest.

The sight of Tails's home made you relax. You felt safe instantly. Strolling to his front door, you knocked on the wooden material. In seconds the door was open and a sweet smell hit your nose.

"(Y/N)! You're here," Tails smiled, but as he took in your cold appearance he stepped aside to let you in, "Did you walk here? In the cold?"

You nodded, rubbing your hands together, enjoying the warmth.

"Yeah, it wasn't that bad," you lied. The cold was horrible. Tails lead you to the kitchen, you sitting on a chair a he handed you your (H/D). You smiled as you took a sip, closing your eyes as its warmth spread through you. "So, why am I here?" you asked while taking another sip.

"We are going on an adventure," his eyes dazzled. He placed an arm on your shoulders, moving his other hand from one side to the other in front of your both. His teeth shining as he smiled, tails wagging. He was clearly full of energy. But you, not so much. You could feel the bags under your eyes.

"Now? It's too early, I know I am half asleep," you yawned, Tails moved away from you, smirking at you making you blush, embarrassed.

"Clearly," he teased. Your ears fattened at his response. You puffed your chest out as you sipped your drink again. Tails shook his head, "How can you be tired? Today is a beautiful day!" He spun around, before stopping while facing you, hands in the air. Glancing to the side, you noticed the many empty coffee cups, stained brown from the coffee.

He has had way too many cups of coffee.

"Today has barely started," you complained. "Also, switch to decaf. All that caffeine can't be good for you."

"So why not get it going. And never! Coffee for life," he giggled, tails almost spinning and propelling him into the ceiling. You give in an unamused smile, your exhaustion barely able to process his fast words. "Okay, I may have had one too many coffee's while working on an invention," Tails sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, blushing.

"Yeah, I figured," you chuckled, halfway through your (H/D).

"There's waffles cooking in the waffle maker by the way. Toppings are in the pantry. When your done with breakfast, meet me in the lab," Tails motioned towards said objects and areas, before disappearing into his lab.

With a shake of your head and a roll of the eyes, you smiled at his energy. He was so happy and you loved it.

At the beep of the waffle maker, you took out your waffles - not without noticing the fox's twin tail emblem on the waffle maker that he created - you added toppings to your waffle and ate away.

With each bite, you grew more and more excited as you wondered what the day held.

You're On My Mind - Tails x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now