Chapter 43

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As they had expected, the roads were a bit clogged. While it thankfully wasn’t a complete stop, maneuvering through the street was a nightmare. They continuously had to stop and carefully turn to avoid bumping into cars. They were tight squeezes, but possible. And they were too far into the street now to turn and try another one. At the very least, they weren’t too far away and there wasn’t much blockage left to get through.

Bill, Bruce, and Merin were all wearing the same clothes they had worn when first meeting the group. The others were all wearing what they wore on the day of the college trip, aside from Juliet who was wearing her leather jacket.

Raphael was given a new machine gun by Clark and the group as a whole was supplied with a little more ammo. They were given two 'grenades' as well, known as flame bombs. They functioned similarly to molotov cocktails, but they were more easily transportable, since they were tiny and cylindrical.

Raphael and Juliet helped clear up any staggering infected, sometimes receiving help from Bruce and Finn whenever there were more than two. No groups larger than five showed up, which they were thankful for. Nor did any special types of infected people show up either. Bruce had done a lot of digging online, trying to find out more about the special types of infected they ran into at the college.

The infected that had ambushed them in the forest were known as ‘Seekers’. They relied on stealth and speed to attack their foes.

The one with the chainsaw he ran into was referred to online as a ‘Necro’. From people’s understanding, this type of infected was completely ‘dead’ and didn’t need any sort of nourishment or to eat to survive. It only dies by injury to the brain.

The tall and distorted infected was known as a ‘Grimace’. Not much is known about them or why they look the way they do.

And finally, the insects they found were known as ‘Pop flies’. Again, not much is known about them other than the fact that sightings of them are particularly rare compared to the other ones.

In terms of rarity, it went down from seekers, grimaces, necros, to pop flies. They couldn’t find any info on the one that snuck up on Bill and Merin, so Russell decided to make blog posts telling about the little info they had on it.

Bruce was now driving, with Bill having taken the passenger seat. He was scribbling down the info and other notes down in a notebook.

“What’s that for?” Raphael asked, managing to see it all the way from the back. “Phone too hard for you to use or something dude?”

“No, I just prefer writing things down,” Bill said. “Besides, you can never fully rely on phones these days. They’re fine for now, but how do we know the government won’t do something to turn them off permanently at some point, ‘for fun’ or something? They already temporarily disabled a lot of people’s phones on the first day, I wouldn’t consider it a stretch.”

Raphael nodded. “I guess that makes sense.”

Bill continued, even making little drawings that weren’t the best, but still got the ideas across of what things generally looked like.

By now, they had finally made it to a relatively clear stretch of road, barreling down it at high speed.

“Woah dude, watch it!” Juliet yelled from the back, almost having been thrown out of the truck bed after a sharp turn.

“Sorry,” Bruce said, doing it again and earning a small laugh from Merin.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to!” Merin said defensively, putting his hands up after seeing her glaring, holding on for dear life in the back.

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