Chapter 2

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Everyone was perched in their seats in a circle, looking at each other intensely.

"You better not make this…" Raphael muttered.

Finn closed one of his eyes, pinching a paper ball with his fingers. He threw it up and flicked it, landing it perfectly inside a trash can placed in the center of the room.

Finn and Russell cheered while Raphael and Juliet groaned and sighed.

"Good job!" Russell said with a big grin, high fiving Finn.

"I'll win next time," Juliet sighed.

"No, I'll win next time," Raphael pointed at himself.

Finn laughed and checked his phone.

10:01 p.m
July 18

He groaned.

"Man, that was only twenty minutes."

"Twenty!?" Raphael exclaimed, checking his phone. "It felt like we were playing for forever!"

"Well what now?" Juliet asked.

"I could go for another round of Triton Fighters," Raphael stared at Juliet.

"Yeah? And lose for what? The fiftieth time?" Juliet laughed.

Raphael groaned. "Look, it hasn't been fi-"

"Hold on, hold on," Finn got up and dug through a drawer, "Russ has been keeping track of our scores, and Raph's score is…two to fifty-four."

Juliet stifled her laugh. "And that one win was a pity one from Russ."

"And…the other win is where I beat you!" Raphael shoved his finger in her face.


"One of these days, I'll have like, uh, a billion wins, what're you guys gonna say then?" Raphael asked.

"We'll see," Juliet said.

"I believe in you man!" Russell said.

Raphael grinned. "See, I can always rely on Russ for support."

"Y'know, maybe we could play a board game or something. My dad loved– I mean, loves board games!" Russell said.

"That sounds nice, but I feel like it's a little too late for that. Maybe tomorrow?" Finn suggested.

They nodded, then sat there in silence for a couple minutes, deciding to go on their phones now.

They were all very bored, having stayed put for seventeen days. For the most part, they had passed the time by playing games or exercising.

That was one thing that brought Finn comfort, was knowing they were physically capable of handling themselves.

In terms of who the strongest was, it came down to Raphael and Russell, then himself, then Juliet. He was particularly impressed by Raph and Russ, seeing as how they were capable of benching nearly 700 pounds. He could do about 500 himself.

In terms of speed, he was the fastest. Then it was Juliet, Russell, and Raphael.

Every day, they've looked for any updates and news on the virus. They had struggled to find any proper sources, merely rumors, theories, and people expressing their hatred for the governments.

They found out that, supposedly, the U.S government made an effort to disrupt its citizens as best as it could. Signal jammers and wifi blockers were set up temporarily in several areas all across the country. Agents were sent to purposefully cause as much chaos as they could. To them, it was confirmation that this really was how things were going to be, for a long, long time.

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