Chapter 23: escape..?

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I grabbed nightmares arm and twisted it. He let me go in pain. I quickly got up and ran straight to crescents room. I closed the door behind me and told crescent to grab a chair. He grabbed his chair and gave it to me. I put it under the door as I heard nightmare jiggling the door knob. I quickly turned around and was about to hug crescent when I heard the door smash in. I quickened my pace and grabbed crescent to shed him. And teleported away.
I looked up to see we were in woods. I looked back a crescent with tears in my eyes. I hugged him closely. "I'm so sorry my baby! I love you so much!" I cried. As I picked him. "Don't worry mama. It's not your fault." Crescent said lovingly. I smiled softly at him and gave him kisses all over his face. Making him giggle. He rapped his arms around my neck and put his head on my shoulder. And fall asleep.

As I walked through the woods I found a very familiar house. I went up to it and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps coming. They opened the door and looked at me worriedly. "Killer?" They asked "hey Dream." I said smiling weakly. "Oh god what happened!" Dream asked me in fear. He dragged me inside and placed me on the couch. "Nightmare got mad... so I ran away!" I told him. He looked at me very concerned. "Is that why you have bruises all over you?" Dream asked me. I nodded my head slightly. Dream stayed silent. "Is it ok if I heal you?" He asked me. I nodded my head at him. I gently picked crescent off of me and placed him on the couch.
Dream came over and started to heal my face. "Are you hurt anywhere else's." He asked. I lifted up my hoodie to show him my ribs. He let out a sharp gasp. He immediately called for cross to bring bandages. Dream instantly started to heal me as cross came in. When he saw me he cursed under his breath. "What the fuck did he do know?" Cross hissed. "He got mad about dusts Break down by "how it humiliated him"" I said. Making air quotes. He growled at that. But stopped when he noticed crescent. "Why is he here?" Cross asked me as he gave Dream the bandages. "I ran away." I said bluntly. "Fucking finally." Cross replied. "But way did you come here?"
"I just teleported to a random place and that place was here." I explained to him. He just nodded before looking at my ribs.
He breathed in sharply through his teeth when he saw. "It was way worse a minute ago. I'm supposed you didn't pass out from pain or exhaustion yet." He told us. "I've been married to your brother from 5 years, what do you expect?" I said looking at him. "Fair" Dream replied.

After around 10-20 minutes I was all bandaged up.
"Can Me and crescent stay the night, please?" I asked them. "of Course!" Dream said softly. "I would love to hang out with my nephew!"
"Thanks Dream, you're a lifesaver." I thanked him. "But you two are going to have to share a room." Dream told me. "That's ok, thank you so much." I thanked him again. "Again it's fine, but you should get some rest." Dream told me. I nodded and picked up crescent. I walked upstairs and laid him near the wall as I laid down beside him. I cuddled up to him, missing being close to my baby. I was so tired the second I closed my eyes I fell asleep.


I woke up to crescent trying to get off the bed. I looked up to see that the makeup from yesterday smudge all over his face. I slowly sat up and got out of bed. I picked crescent up and walked down the hall. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I saw cross cooking something so I just walked past him and placed crescent on the counter near the sink. I grabbed a paper towel and put it under the running faucet.
I started to scrub the makeup off of crescents face. "Mom that hurt!" Crescent whined. "Suck it up, I don't have makeup wipes." I told him. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around to see cross looking at me. "I think we have makeup wipes upstairs. I'll go get you some." He told me. "Thank you cross." I sighed. He smiled at me before walking out the room.
I waited for 2 minutes before he came back downstairs and gave me wipes. "Thank you, criss Cross!" I thanked him before taking out some wipes and wiping the makeup off of crescents face. He still had a large bruise around his eye from yesterday.

I wiped of all the makeup from crescents body to see he was covered in bruises and cuts.
I turned around towards cross to see him staring at crescent in disgust. But not at him but at nightmare. "Do you have bandages?" I asked him. Snapping him out of his trance. "Uh yeah.. here." He said as he opened a drawer and giving me a bandages. "Thanks." I said as I turned back around and put the band-Aids on the cuts on crescents body.
"Do you have a mirror?" I asked. turning towards cross. "Yeah, upstairs." He told me. "Thank you!" I said as I picked crescent up from the counter and walked out to the living room. I put him on the couch and told him to stay. I walked upstairs and into the bathroom. I looked at the mirror and grabbed the wipes from my pocket. I looked at myself in the mirror and started to wipe the makeup off my face.
I had many bruises on my face. One large one on my cheek and another on my eye. And more smaller ones.
I walked back downstairs and back into the kitchen. "Hey criss Cross, do you have spare clothes crescent came borrow?" I asked him.  "Yeah sure, I bet lux-" he cut himself off when he saw my face. "Jesus killer!" He yelled worriedly "you're covered in bruises!"
"Eh it's fine. It makes people feel more sympathetic for us." I told him "and I'm a great actor~" I winked. He let out a sigh as Dream walked in the room with lux in his arms. "Hey love, do we have any spare clothes that killer's kid can borrow?" Cross asked Dream. "I think so. I'll go get some after breakfast." Dream told him.

We were eating the breakfast cross made. Dream looked up at me and crescent sympathetically. "You two can stay here for as long as you want too." Dream told us. "Sorry dream but we need to hit the road soon so nightmare doesn't get us." I told him. "Honestly if he does that's going to be my last straw."
"Well ok, just be safe, and here." Dream said as he past me 30G. I gladly took it and put it in my pocket. "God I love you so much, Dream." I sighed "aww thank you, killer." Dream said as he went back to eating.


"Are you ready?" I asked crescent as he put on a pair of lux's old shoes. "Yes mama." He replied as he walked up to me and held my hand. I turned back around to face Dream and cross looking at me. He gently smiled at them and said "thank you guys so much!" I said softly as I turned back around and walked out the door.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I'm sorry if made any mistakes!
Words: 1304
I almost cried writing the end of this chapter (T ^ T)

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