Chapter 15: leaving

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Killer's pov:

The week went by pretty fast. I mostly been on my phone or reading that parenting book nightmare gave me.

I was sitting on the couch scrolling on skullbook (copyright)
When all of a sudden color on pop on screen. Why does this guy keep appearing?! I groaned as looked at the photo. "Who is he?" I heard behind me. I turned around to see nightmare looking over my shoulder. "Mhh, some guy I met and now he's been appearing everywhere I looked." I shrugged. He gave my phone annoyed look looking at color. "Just me know if he bothers you again." He said putting his hand on my shoulder gently. "Will do~" I said turning around and kissing him on the cheek softly. "Good, but sadly as much as I would love to stay here we have to leave." He told me. "Alright..." I groaned.
I sat up and started to walk to the bedroom. I grabbed my suitcase and started to pack my stuff up.
When I was done I closed up my suitcase and brought it to the living room. I looked up and saw nightmare cleaning the room. "Do you need help?" I asked him. "I'm fine by myself. But you can go and make sure everything is where it supposed to be." He told me. "Ok!" I said turning around back to the bedroom.

"Do you have everything?" Nightmare asked me. "Nope! I'm all set!" I told him. He sighed as he opened a portal to the castle. He both walked in with him in front of me. We  ended up in the living room. I looked around to notice that it was a fucking mess. Chips and cheap booze scattered around the room. Dust passed out on the floor next to horror and cross on the now stained couch. I could see bosses tentacle twitch in anger. "Hey let's put our suitcases in our rooms so you can calm down a little." I suggested as my arms gently rapped around his. He looked at me before taking a very deep breath. I noticed cross slowly stir awake. I quickly unwrap my arms around boss and looked straight at cross. Boss noticed and also looked daggers at cross. I think cross could feel it and slowly looked at us. When he realized it was us he quickly shouted "SHI-" before falling off the couch. He groaned as he sat up rubbing his head from the pain. He looked back up at us nervously. "Heyyyyy boss..." he said trying not to make eye contact with us. "Cross..." bosses voice was cold and stern. Making cross shiver in fear.
"When I come back I want this room spot less."
"Y-Yes boss!" Cross said quickly. Me and boss soon teleported away with me still on his arm. It's not unnatural for me to be touching boss because I do it quite often and everyone knows I'm his favorite so no one gives it a second thought. "I'm so sick of those god damn idiots." Boss sighed "don't worry boss~ I'm sure that they will clean the room and themselves." I cooed. "Ugh I hope you're right, or I'm going to rip they're head off." He said rubbing his temples annoyed.
"I hate them so much."

When I was done putting everything away I went back to the living room to see if it was clean or not.
When I got there I saw mostly everything cleaned but the couch that has a large stain from god knows what. Horror and dust were gone and cross scrubbing the ever living shit out of the couch. "Need help?" I asked him from the door. He wiped his head towards me. "Please!" He yelled desperately. "Ok, ok chill I'll go get the vacuum." I told him turning around and going to the closet to grab the vacuum.
I grabbed the vacuum from the closet and walked back to the living room. When I stepped in the living room I stopped when I felt a sudden pain in my chest. My lags started trembling as my breathing got heavier. I leaned on the door frame for support.
"Killer?" Cross said.
"Are you ok?"
The pain in my chest got worse. I felt a thick substance running down my face and coming out my mouth violently. "Killer!" I felt him grab my shoulders roughly. "Shit... Boss something is wrong with killer!!!" Cross yelled at the top of his lungs. I felt my lag cave on me. But just before I fell cross grabbed me ahold of me so I wouldn't fall. "Dude I have a massive hangover! I can't deal with this right now!" His said worriedly. "Boss!"
I heard footsteps quickly running down the hallway. "Whats wrong?!" I heard boss yell running up to us. "I-I don't know! He just suddenly started to have hate coming out of him!" Cross frantically said. "Shit... he's been exposed to too much negativity (from being with me constantly)" nightmare said putting his head up to his forehead.
"Can you bring him to dream?"
Cross seemed hesitant but nodded. He quickly picked me up and made a portal. Cross rushed through it with me in his arms.
I saw a nice looking cabin ahead. Cross barged in the front door and Started running down a hallway. He stopped when we hit the end of the hallway. There were three doors, he walked into the right one. It was the living room, he placed me on a couch before running out the room. I just laid on the couch rethinking life.

Soon Dream and Cross ran into the room and rushed towards me. Dream leaned down on his knees and started to enhance his area. The pain slowly started to go away but was still there. And the hate coming out of my mouth soon stopped coming out. I wiped my face with a sleeve as I sat up a little. "Does it still hurts?" Dream asked softly. I shook my head slightly to the question. "That's good to hear. But you'll need to stay here for a day or two so we don't add insult to injury." He said smiling softly. My eyes widened at that. I can't just not be with boss!
Me and cross made eye contact at the same time and both of us had the same expression 'hell no!'.
"Hey love, don't you think that's a bad idea? senes we have a two year old daughter?" Cross whispered to dream so I wouldn't hear. But of Course I did. "This guy can't be trusted."
"He can't go anywhere with out me for the time being..." Dream whispered back "plus we are going to be with them both constantly, no worries."
"Fine... but if he try's to do anything he's out." Cross whispered kissing Dream's cheek. "Deal~" he said softly. "Can you guys stop talking shit, I can hear you." I said bluntly, looking at them. "Heh sorry..." Dream said looking back at me.
"Mommy?" A voice said quietly. The three of us snapped our heads to the door way. There was a little girl in a cute little purple and gold dress. She had Magic coming out of her broken skull. "Who is that?" She asked softly. I felt my heart melt at how cute she is. "Hey sweetheart, what are you doing inside? I thought you were playing outside?" Cross said walking towards her and picking her up. "I got bored!" She yelled puffing her cheek's out. "Well how about we go play in your room?" Cross suggested. "I want to be here with you and mommy!" She said still having her cheeks puffed out. "Mommy and daddy are doing something important right now, so you can't be here right now." Cross told her. Dream also got up to handle her. "Sweetie, daddy said no. And what does No mean?" Dream said "no means no..." she said looking down. "Exactly, now go play." Dream said kissing her forehead. "Ok..." Lux said getting down from cross' arms and walking out the room.  "You should teach your brother that." I said looking at Dream as they turned around to look at me. "Ha ha ha." Dream said sarcastically. Walking back to me. Suddenly a throbbing pain went through my whole body. I screamed out in pain clutching my stomach. Cross and dream rushed towards me and crouched down next to me. "What's wrong?!" Dream asked concerned. I was in to much pain to speak all I could do was bare my teeth. "Uhhh Dream...." Cross said slowly. Dream looked back frantically "look at his chest..." cross said covering his face with his hand. Dream slowly looked back at me a bit scared to see what cross was looking at. Dream gasped in surprise and quickly lifted up my hoodie. "Killer..." Dream said looking at under my hoodie "have you done it recently?..." Dream asked. I immediately knew what was up and looked down to see my blood red female ecto body summed. I felt myself starting to breathe uncontrollably. Tears swelled up in my eyes as I looked back up at them. They were also looking at me in shocked but also concerned about my reaction. Dream pulled my hoodie back down and sat next me and so did cross. "Hey it's ok..." Dream said rubbing my back with his thumb to comfort me. Soon the tears started to fall down my face as a panic attack was coming. I covered my face with my hands and put my knees up to my chest. And just cried my eyes out. "Oh here..." Dream said softly as he picked me up and placed me on his lap. I just buried my face into his shoulder as I sobbed. Dream just rubbed my back as he comforted me.
I soon started to get sleepy so I just snuggle up to dream with tears still in my eyes as I fell asleep.

Thank you for reading this chapter! Sorry it took so longT^T
The next chapter will be about the stay.

Also I'm trying to some what rap up this book because I want to make another book but i know you humans like this book so feel lucky.

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