Chapter 19: the bet

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It's been 3 months sense than. And tomorrow we find out the gender of the baby.
Everything has been good other than me having vary to little energy. I had to stop doing mission 2 months in.
Nightmare has been really overprotective and is treating me like a literally queen. He doesn't let me do anything by myself anymore.
My stomach hasn't grown but it is hard, so I guess that's good...?

Me and nightmare are laying in bed cuddling up to each other. It's about 10PM-ish. "Nightmare?..." I asked quietly seeing if he's still awake. "Mhm?" He hummed. "What do you want the baby's gender to be?" I asked him. "Mhh I've always wanted a girl." He whispered half asleep. "You?"
"Mhhhhhhhh... a boy?..." I said not knowing. "Wanna make a bet?" He asked. "With what?" I asked looking at him. "Mhh... money?" He thought out loud. "Sure, how much?" I asked him. "How about if i win You'll have to give me 30G. And if you win I'll up your allowance 100G." He said.  My allowance is 300G every week so that will be 400G weekly! And it's more when I complete mission! "Deal!" I happily accepted. He chuckled lightly before looking at me with soft and tired eyes. "We should sleep now,  we have a long day tomorrow." He said pulling me closer to him, if that's even possible. I sighed as I slowly closed my eyes.
Our marriage has been great sense I've gotten pregnant. He gave me back my phone after a week or so of losing it. He didn't even hurt me. He just scolded me for doing stupid shit and keeping stuff from him. He helps me with everything, even when i don't need it. And he's gotten super overprotective. The guys make fun of me for it senes they are to scared to talk about nightmare that way.
I just hopes it lasts.


I woke up to a alarm going off. I groaned as I snuggled up more to nightmares chest. He grumbled as he sat up and turned off the alarm clock. "Come on we have to get up." Nightmare said shaking me gently. "5 more minutes..." I mumbled curling myself in a ball tiredly "i know but we need to get up." He said picking me up and sitting me on the edge of the bed. "This fucking stupid..." I said trying to stay awake. "Agreed, but we to get ready." He told me going through the closet to get day clothes.
He through some clothes on the bed next to me and grabbed some clothes for himself. He started to change as I fell back and closed my eyes. When he was done he turned back to me. And he started to walk to me. He sat me back up and started to dress me himself.
He was done he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the living room. He laid me on the couch and kissed my forehead gently before walking out the room.
Soon after he left dust and horror walked in. They sat down next to me and turned on the tv. "Dude, you look so miserable." Dust blurted out. "And you look so drained..." horror commented as well. "Fuck off..." I muttered tiredly. "No man we're serious, what happened?" Dust asked concerned. I've never heard this man care about anything, especially me.
I slowly sat up and looked at them and smiled softly. "I'm fine guys, I promise." I said gently. "Yeah like we'll believe that we all know that you are a pathological liar, killer. We've been friends for 2 years! I know that I don't show it but I do care about you!" Dust shouted at me with so much anger and concern. "Dust you need to calm down-" "shut up horror! He's so clearly fuck in this world that he can only smile and do nothing!" Dust yelled cutting off horror before running out the room. I was about to run after him but horror stopped me. "I think you should give him a minute. I'll go get him." And with that he ran after him. I just sat there in shock before slowly getting up and going to the kitchen in tears. When I opened the door I saw nightmare cutting stuff on the counter. I run up to him and hugged him from the back tightly. He quickly turned around and held me by my waist as I grabbed onto his chest for dear life and sobbed. "Are you ok? Are you hurt? What happened?" He questioned while lifting up my hoodie to see if the soul was ok. But put it back down when he saw nothing was wrong. "We need to tell them! I can't do it anymore!" I sobbed in his chest. "We can't tell them." He said coldly. "They've noticed that I've been acting weird and dust got really mad a me! A-A-And-" "shh it's ok... we can tell them when the baby has training and It's a bit grown." He whispered softly. He gently whispered sweet praises and rubbing my back until I calmed down. He lifted my chin to face him and gave me and sweet loving kiss. "I need to finish cooking so go rest." He said as he pulling away. He turned back around as I walked out the room. I spaced out until I bumped into someone. I looked down to see Ccino. "Oh hey Ccino." I said looking at her "hello Mr. Killer! It's been a couple of chapters scene I've seen you." She said happily. "I know! I'm so happy to see you scene someone forgot about you!" I said happily hugging her. "Haha! Anyways I need to go finish doing my chores." She said pulling away. "Oh can I help? I'm so bored!" I complained. "Are you sure? I don't want Master nightmare getting mad at us." She said. "Don't worry about it." I shrugged. "Ok.. just don't do anything stupid, I don't want Master nightmare to be mad at me." She said walking off as I followed. "Whatever." I groaned.


I was doing laundry with Ccino when I heard nightmare calling us. And I mean us I mean me and the boys.
I walked to the dining room and sat down. I watched as dust and horror walked in hand in hand. They sat down as well. Soon error and cross joined. "I didn't know you were back?" I said looking at cross. Cross just shrugged as he sat down. We began eating and sadly I had a bigger portion than everyone else's.
When everyone was done we all sat up and walked out, well other than me, nightmare and horror. Me and horror picked up as nightmare watching silently from the door frame. Me and horror walked into the kitchen and put the dishes in the sink. "You know that you really worried dust..." horror said softly looking at me. I just stayed silent. I walked out the room and back to the dining room. I walk up to nightmare as he grabbed my hand and started to walked out the room with me.
"Do you have any cuts or bruises?" Nightmare asked as we walked down the hall. "I don't think so..." I said unsure. "Why?"
"I don't want sci thinking I beat my pregnant wife." He told me. "I'm sure he won't think that." I assured him. "I'm still going to check you when we get back to the room." He said non-caring. I chuckled lightly as we walked.

Nightmare opened the door to our bedroom and walked in with me. He sat me down on the bed and lifted my hoodie. "I think you only do this so you can see my body." I said looking at him as he scanned my stomach and tits. "You think." He said smiling. "God you're a perv." I said. He put my hoodie back down and kissed me on the cheek. "God I can't wait for this baby to get out of you." He said placing his hands on my hips. "Jesus Christ." I muttered under my breath. He laughed as he pulled away. "Yeah, yeah let's go." He said gently taking my hand and teleporting.
We ended up in the waiting room. I sat down on a chair as nightmare went to go sign papers at the front. After a while he came back and sat next to me. A bit after he sat down a nurse call us. We sat up and followed the nurse. He placed us in a room and told us to wait for sci. Nightmare sat on a chair as I sat on the bad.
After a little while sci came in and told me to lay as he got everything ready. He came over and lifted my hoodie up. He put that cold as hell jell thing on my stomach and looked at the screen. I heard him gasp as he looked at monitor. "Is everything alright?" I asked. He looked at me for a minute before looking back at the screen. "I must have made a mistake. Let me go get another doctor." Sci said hurrying out of the room.
Me and nightmare looked at each other nervously.
Soon sci came back in with another doctor. The doctor looked at the equipment and the monitor. "Mhmm ok, it just a glitch, you should be fine now." The doctor said. Looking at it again before walking out of the room. Sci got back in front of the monitor. "Sorry about that, anyways, to the looks of it you're having a baby boy!" He said happily, turning the monitor so we can see. And sure enough it was a boy! "Yes!" I cheered, flinging my arms up happily.
"I'm glad that you're happy." Sci smiled at me softly. I just heard nightmare sighed disappointingly. "You're so fucking luck I'm rich."  Nightmare said. "I know!" I whizzed. Nightmare just groaned as I chuckled. "Whatever, just rap up and we'll leave." Nightmare told us. "Alright!" I said happily.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! Sorry for any mistakes! (I almost made killer have twins but it wasn't apart of the story line so I didn't, thankfully TwT)
Words: 1707
The next chapter will be about the rest of the pregnancy!

NightkillerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora